Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 1991

J - Occupations Unique to Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities

Occupations in this broad occupational category are primarily concerned with supervisory and production work in manufacturing, processing and utilities.

J0 - Supervisors in Manufacturing

Occupations in this major group are primarily concerned with supervising workers engaged in processing metals, petroleum, chemicals, rubber and plastics, food and beverages, forest products and textiles. They are also concerned with workers engaged in assembly and fabrication of transportation equipment, machinery, electronic equipment; electrical products; furniture and fixtures; fabric, fur and leather products; and other products requiring assembly or fabrication.

J01 - Supervisors, Processing Occupations

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with supervising workers engaged in processing metals, petroleum, chemicals, rubber and plastics, food and beverages, forest products and textiles. Lead hands are not considered to be supervisors but are classified as workers.

J02 - Supervisors, Assembly and Fabrication

Occupations in this minor group are primarily concerned with supervising workers who assemble transportation equipment; machinery; electronic equipment; electrical products; furniture and fixtures; fabric, fur and leather products; and other products requiring assembly or fabrication. Lead hands are not considered to be supervisors, but are classified as workers.

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