Variant of NAICS 1997 - Labour Force Survey (LFS) Industries
- 1 - Goods-Producing Sector
- 6 - Manufacturing
- 31-33 - Manufacturing
- 333 - Machinery Manufacturing
- 3331 - Agricultural, Construction and Mining Machinery Manufacturing
- 33311 - Agricultural Implement Manufacturing
333110 - Agricultural Implement Manufacturing
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing machinery for use in performing farm operations, such as the preparation and maintenance of soil; planting, harvesting or threshing; field spraying; and preparing crops for market; or for use in horticultural and residential lawn care. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing snowblowers are included.
Example Activities:
- Attachments for powered lawn and garden equipment, manufacturing
- Balers, farm (e.g., hay, straw, cotton), manufacturing
- Cabs for agricultural machinery, manufacturing
- Carts, lawn and garden type, manufacturing
- Chicken brooders, manufacturing
- Combines, harvester-threshers, manufacturing
- Cream separators, farm type, manufacturing
- Crop driers, farm type, manufacturing
- Dusters, farm type, manufacturing
- Farm tractors and attachments, manufacturing
- Farm wagons, manufacturing
- Feed grinders (i.e., crushers and mixers), farm type, manufacturing
- Feed processing equipment, farm type, manufacturing
- Fertilizing machinery, farm type, manufacturing
- Grading, cleaning and sorting machinery, farm type, manufacturing
- Grass mowing equipment (except lawn and garden), manufacturing
- Harvesting machinery and equipment, manufacturing
- Haying machines, manufacturing
- Hedge trimmers, powered, manufacturing
- Hog feeding and watering equipment, manufacturing
- Incubators, poultry, manufacturing
- Lawn and garden machinery (e.g., hedge trimmers, lawn mowers, tractors), powered, manufacturing
- Lawn mowers (except agricultural type), powered, manufacturing
- Milking machines, manufacturing
- Planting machines, farm type, manufacturing
- Ploughs, farm type, manufacturing
- Poultry brooders, feeders and waterers, manufacturing
- Sheep shears, powered, manufacturing
- Snowblowers and throwers, residential type, manufacturing
- Sprayers and dusters, farm type, manufacturing
- Tillers, lawn and garden type, manufacturing
- Tractors and attachments, farm type, manufacturing
- Tractors and attachments, lawn and garden type, manufacturing
- Windmills, farm type, manufacturing
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