Variant of NAICS 1997 - Labour Force Survey (LFS) Industries

33721 - Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing furniture designed for office use, such as office chairs and desks; and office and store fixtures, such as showcases. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing furniture parts and frames, for all types of furniture, are also included,

337213 - Wood Office Furniture, including Custom Architectural Woodwork, Manufacturing

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wood furniture designed for office use, such as office chairs and desks. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing custom designed interiors consisting of architectural woodwork and fixtures, primarily utilizing wood, are included.

  • Example Activities:

    • Bookcases, wood office, manufacturing
    • Cabinets, wood office, manufacturing
    • Chairs, wood office, manufacturing
    • Custom-designed office interiors (i.e., furniture, architectural woodwork and fixtures), manufacturing
    • Desks, wood office, manufacturing
    • Filing boxes, cabinets and cases, wood office, manufacturing
    • Furniture, wood office, padded, upholstered or plain, manufacturing
    • Modular furniture systems, wood office, manufacturing
    • Office furniture, wood, padded, upholstered, or plain, manufacturing
    • Panel furniture systems, wood office, manufacturing
    • Visible record equipment (e.g., filing cabinets, boxes), wood, manufacturing

337214 - Office Furniture (except Wood) Manufacturing

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing non-wood furniture designed for office use, such as office chairs and desks.

  • Example Activities:

    • Bookcases, office (except wood), manufacturing
    • Cabinets, office (except wood), manufacturing
    • Chairs, office (except wood), manufacturing
    • Desks, office (except wood), manufacturing
    • Filing boxes, cabinets and cases, office (except wood), manufacturing
    • Furniture, office (except wood), manufacturing
    • Modular furniture systems, office (except wood), manufacturing
    • Office furniture (except wood), manufacturing
    • Stools, rotating, office (except wood), manufacturing
    • Tables, office (except wood), manufacturing

337215 - Showcase, Partition, Shelving and Locker Manufacturing

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fixtures for office, store and similar applications, such as display cases, shelving and lockers. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing furniture parts and frames, for all types of furniture, are also included,

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • manufacturing refrigerated cabinets, showcases and display cases (See 333416 Heating Equipment and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing)
  • Example Activities:

    • Display cases and fixtures (except refrigerated), manufacturing
    • Fixtures, office and store, manufacturing
    • Furniture frames, manufacturing
    • Furniture parts and components, manufacturing
    • Lockers (except refrigerated), manufacturing
    • Partitions (except freestanding), wood, prefabricated, manufacturing
    • Partitions, freestanding, prefabricated, manufacturing
    • Partitions, prefabricated (modular or free-standing), manufacturing
    • Point of purchase display racks, wire, manufacturing
    • Postal service lock boxes, manufacturing
    • Shelving, office and store, manufacturing
    • Showcases (except refrigerated), manufacturing
    • Stands, merchandise display, manufacturing
    • Stands, merchandise display, wire, manufacturing
    • Wire display racks, manufacturing
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