Variant of NAICS 1997 - Labour Force Survey (LFS) Industries
- 1 - Goods-Producing Sector
- 2 - Agriculture
- 111 - Crop Production
- 1114 - Greenhouse, Nursery and Floriculture Production
- 11142 - Nursery and Floriculture Production
111422 - Floriculture Production
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing, under cover or in open fields, floriculture products and propagating materials.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- retailing floriculture products primarily purchased from others (See 444220 Nursery and Garden Centres)
Example Activities:
- Flower bulb growing, greenhouse
- Flower growing, greenhouse
- Flower nursery
- Flower seed production
- Greenhouses, growing of floral products
- Holly growing
- Tropical foliage and green plants, greenhouse grown
- Date modified: