Variant of NAICS 1997 - Labour Force Survey (LFS) Industries
8139 - Business, Professional, Labour and Other Membership Organizations
This industry group comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry group, primarily engaged in promoting the interests of their members. Examples of establishments in this industry group are business associations, professional membership organizations, labour organizations and political organizations.
81391 - Business Associations
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in promoting the business interests of their members. These establishments may conduct research on new products and services, publish newsletters, develop market statistics, or sponsor quality and certification standards.
81392 - Professional Organizations
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in advancing the professional interests of their members and the profession as a whole.
81393 - Labour Organizations
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the regulation of relations between employers and employees. These establishments negotiate with employers to improve the income and working conditions of their members.
81394 - Political Organizations
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in promoting the interests of national, provincial or local political parties or candidates. Political groups, organized to raise funds for a political party or individual candidates, are included.
- establishments raising funds on a contract or fee basis (See 56149 Other Business Support Services)
81399 - Other Membership Organizations
This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in promoting the interests of their members.
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