Variant of NAICS 1997 - Labour Force Survey (LFS) Industries
4431 - Electronics and Appliance Stores
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing household appliances, home audio and video equipment, cameras, computers and related goods. These establishments may also retail replacement parts and provide repair services.
44311 - Appliance, Television and Other Electronics Stores
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing new household appliances, home audio and video equipment, and other electronic products. These establishments may also retail used electronics and appliances, provide repair services, and retail computers and computer software.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- computer, computer peripheral equipment and software retailing (See 44312 Computer and Software Stores)
- electronic toy retailing (See 45112 Hobby, Toy and Game Stores)
- retailing used household appliances (See 45331 Used Merchandise Stores)
- repairing, without retailing, appliances, televisions or other electronic products (See 81121 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance)
44312 - Computer and Software Stores
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing new computers, computer peripherals, pre-packaged software, game software and related products. These establishments may also retail used computer equipment and replacement parts and accessories, and provide repair services.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- retailing electronic toys, such as television (TV) games and hand-held games (See 45112 Hobby, Toy and Game Stores)
- repairing, without retailing, computers (See 81121 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance)
44313 - Camera and Photographic Supplies Stores
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing new cameras, photographic equipment and photographic supplies. These establishments may also retail used cameras and photographic equipment, and replacement parts and accessories, and provide repair and film developing services.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- video camera retailing (See 44311 Appliance, Television and Other Electronics Stores)
- repairing, without retailing, photographic equipment (See 81121 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance)
- commercially developing film and photographic prints; one-hour film developing (See 81292 Photo Finishing Services)
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