Variant of NAICS 1997 - Labour Force Survey (LFS) Industries
1 - Goods-Producing Sector
6 - Manufacturing
31-33 - Manufacturing
This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products. These products may be finished, in the sense that they are ready to be used or consumed, or semi-finished, in the sense of becoming a raw material for an establishment to use in further manufacturing. Related activities, such as the assembly of the component parts of manufactured goods; the blending of materials; and the finishing of manufactured products by dyeing, heat-treating, plating and similar operations are also treated as manufacturing activities. Manufacturing establishments are known by a variety of trade designations, such as plants, factories or mills.
Manufacturing establishments may own the materials which they transform or they may transform materials owned by other establishments. Manufacturing may take place in factories or in workers' homes, using either machinery or hand tools.
Certain activities involving the transformation of goods are classified in other sectors. Some examples are post-harvest activities of agricultural establishments, such as crop drying; logging; the beneficiating of mineral ores; the production of structures by construction establishments; and various activities conducted by retailers, such as meat cutting and the assembly of products such as bicycles and computers.
312 - Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing beverages and tobacco products.
3121 - Beverage Manufacturing
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing beverages.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- canning fruit and vegetable juices; freezing juices and drinks (See 3114 Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing)
- manufacturing milk-based drinks (See 3115 Dairy Product Manufacturing)
- manufacturing soft drink bases or fruit syrups for flavouring; coffee and tea, except ready-to-drink; powdered drink mixes; and non-alcoholic cider (See 3119 Other Food Manufacturing)
31211 - Soft Drink and Ice Manufacturing
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing soft drinks, ice or bottled water, including that which is naturally carbonated. Water-bottling establishments in this industry purify the water before bottling it.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- freezing juices and drinks (See 31141 Frozen Food Manufacturing)
- canning fruit and vegetable juices (See 31142 Fruit and Vegetable Canning, Pickling and Drying)
- manufacturing milk-based drinks (See 31151 Dairy Product (except Frozen) Manufacturing)
- manufacturing coffee and tea, except ready-to-drink (See 31192 Coffee and Tea Manufacturing)
- manufacturing soft drink bases or fruit syrups for flavouring (See 31193 Flavouring Syrup and Concentrate Manufacturing)
- manufacturing non-alcoholic cider (See 31194 Seasoning and Dressing Manufacturing)
- manufacturing non-alcoholic beer (See 31212 Breweries)
- manufacturing non-alcoholic wine (See 31213 Wineries)
- manufacturing dry ice (See 32512 Industrial Gas Manufacturing)
- bottling water without purification (See 41321 Non-Alcoholic Beverage Wholesaler-Distributors)
31212 - Breweries
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in brewing beer, ale, malt liquors and non-alcoholic beer.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- manufacturing malt (See 31121 Flour Milling and Malt Manufacturing)
- bottling purchased malt beverages (See 41322 Alcoholic Beverage Wholesaler-Distributors)
31213 - Wineries
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wine or brandy, from grapes or other fruit. Establishments primarily engaged in growing grapes and manufacturing wine; manufacturing wine from purchased grapes and other fruit; blending wines; or distilling brandy are included.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- bottling purchased wine (See 41322 Alcoholic Beverage Wholesaler-Distributors)
31214 - Distilleries
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in distilling liquor, except brandy; blending liquor; or blending and mixing liquor and other ingredients.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- manufacturing brandy (See 31213 Wineries)
- manufacturing non-potable ethanol (ethyl alcohol) (See 32519 Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing)
- bottling purchased liquor (See 41322 Alcoholic Beverage Wholesaler-Distributors)
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