Variant of NAICS 1997 - Labour Force Survey (LFS) Industries
11142 - Nursery and Floriculture Production
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing, under cover or in open fields, nursery and floriculture products, such as nursery stock, shrubbery, cut flowers, flower seeds, potted flowering and foliage plants, flower bedding plants, ornamental plants, or some combination of these, and propagating materials, for example, plugs, cuttings, and tissue cultures. The growing of short rotation woody crops, such as cut Christmas trees and cottonwoods for pulpwood, that have a typical growth cycle of ten years or less, are also included in this industry.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- growing vegetable and melon bedding plants (See 11121 Vegetable and Melon Farming)
- the operation of timber tracts that have a growth cycle of greater than ten years (See 11311 Timber Tract Operations)
- growing seedling trees for reforestation (See 11321 Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products)
- retailing nursery, tree stock and floriculture products primarily purchased from others (See 44422 Nursery and Garden Centres)
111421 - Nursery and Tree Production
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing, under cover or in open fields, nursery products and trees, and short rotation woody crops, for pulp and tree stock, that have a typical growth cycle of ten years or less.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- the operation of timber tracts that have a growth cycle of greater than ten years (See 113110 Timber Tract Operations)
- retailing nursery, tree stock, and floriculture products primarily purchased from others (See 444220 Nursery and Garden Centres)
Example Activities:
- Christmas tree farming
- Fruit trees, nursery stock, growing
- Nursery (tree and plant)
- Nursery plant stock, growing
- Nursery stock, growing of
- Ornamental plant growing
- Ornamental shrubs, nursery grown
- Ornamental trees, nursery grown
- Plant nursery
- Rose bushes growing
- Shrub nursery, ornamental, growing
- Turf (sod) farming
111422 - Floriculture Production
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing, under cover or in open fields, floriculture products and propagating materials.
Establishments primarily engaged in:
- retailing floriculture products primarily purchased from others (See 444220 Nursery and Garden Centres)
Example Activities:
- Flower bulb growing, greenhouse
- Flower growing, greenhouse
- Flower nursery
- Flower seed production
- Greenhouses, growing of floral products
- Holly growing
- Tropical foliage and green plants, greenhouse grown
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