Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Information and communication technology (ICT) sector
ICT/TIC - Information and communication technology industries
This category comprises all NAICS codes that relate to information and communication technology industries.
This includes portions of the following sectors: 'Manufacturing' (NAICS 31-33), 'Wholesale trade' (NAICS 41), 'Information and cultural industries' (NAICS 51), 'Professional, scientific and technical services' (NAICS 54) and 'Other services (except public administration)' (NAICS 81).
51i - ICT - Information and cultural industries
This category comprises the portion of NAICS sector 51 'Information and cultural industries' that relates to information and communication technology industries.
518 - Computing infrastructure providers, data processing, web hosting, and related services
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing the infrastructure for data processing, hosting, and related services.
5182 - Computing infrastructure providers, data processing, web hosting, and related services
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing the infrastructure for data processing, hosting, and related services.
51821 - Computing infrastructure providers, data processing, web hosting, and related services
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing hosting or data processing services. Hosting establishments may provide specialized hosting activities, such as web hosting, video and audio streaming services, application hosting, application service provisioning, or may provide general time-share mainframe facilities to clients. Data processing establishments may provide complete processing and preparation of reports from data supplied by the customer; specialized services, such as automated data entry; or they may make data processing resources available to clients on an hourly or time-sharing basis.
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