Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector
Non E - Industries not included in the energy sector
This category comprises all NAICS codes that do not relate to energy industries.
31-33e - Manufacturing, non E
This category comprises the portion of NAICS sector 31-33 'Manufacturing' that does not relate to energy industries.
313 - Textile mills
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing yarn or textile fabrics, or finishing yarn, textile fabrics or clothing. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing both fabrics and textile products, except knitted clothing, are included.
- manufacturing clothing (See 315 Apparel manufacturing)
- manufacturing textile products, except clothing, from purchased fabric (See 314 Textile product mills)
3132 - Fabric mills
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing textile fabrics. Establishments classified in this industry group may finish the fabrics that they manufacture. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing both fabrics and textile products, except knitted clothing, are included.
- finishing textile fabrics; and coating fabrics (See 3133 Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating)
- manufacturing tire cord fabric (See 314990 All other textile product mills)
31321 - Broad-woven fabric mills
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in weaving broad fabrics. Establishments classified in this industry may finish the fabrics that they weave. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing textile products from broad-woven fabrics made in the same establishment are included.
313210 - Broad-woven fabric mills
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in weaving broad fabrics.
Illustrative example(s)
- blankets, bedspreads, sheets and pillow cases, made in weaving mills
- elastic fabrics, broad-woven, weaving
- glass fabrics, broad-woven, weaving
- hand weaving fabrics (more than 30 cm/12 in.) in width
- man-made fabrics, broad-woven, weaving
- natural hard fibre fabrics (e.g., linen, jute, hemp, ramie), broad-woven, weaving
- weaving broad-woven felts
- wool fabrics, broad-woven, weaving
- worsted fabrics, broad-woven, weaving
- finishing the fabrics woven in the same establishment
- manufacturing textile products from broad-woven fabrics made in the same establishment
- knitting fabrics (See 313240 Knit fabric mills)
- manufacturing rug fabric (See 313110 Fibre, yarn and thread mills)
- manufacturing tire cord fabric (See 314990 All other textile product mills)
- weaving wool and similar animal fibre fabrics, more than 30 cm (12 inches) in width (See 313110 Fibre, yarn and thread mills)
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