Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector
Non E - Industries not included in the energy sector
This category comprises all NAICS codes that do not relate to energy industries.
31-33e - Manufacturing, non E
This category comprises the portion of NAICS sector 31-33 'Manufacturing' that does not relate to energy industries.
312 - Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing beverages and tobacco products.
3122 - Tobacco manufacturing
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing tobacco products.
31221 - Tobacco stemming and redrying
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in stemming or redrying tobacco. These establishments perform the final sorting, grading, redrying, treating and packing of tobacco leaves, and they typically age the tobacco.
31222 - Tobacco product manufacturing
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing cigarettes and other tobacco products.
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