Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector

Non E - Industries not included in the energy sector

This category comprises all NAICS codes that do not relate to energy industries.

31-33e - Manufacturing, non E

This category comprises the portion of NAICS sector 31-33 'Manufacturing' that does not relate to energy industries.

312 - Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing beverages and tobacco products.

3121 - Beverage manufacturing

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing beverages.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • canning fruit and vegetable juices; freezing juices and drinks (See 3114 Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing)
    • manufacturing milk-based drinks (See 311511 Fluid milk manufacturing)
    • manufacturing soft drink bases or fruit syrups for flavouring; coffee and tea, except ready-to-drink; powdered drink mixes; and non-alcoholic cider (See 3119 Other food manufacturing)
31211 - Soft drink and ice manufacturing

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing soft drinks, ice or bottled water, including that which is naturally carbonated. Water-bottling establishments in this industry purify the water before bottling it.

31212 - Breweries

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in brewing beer, ale, malt liquors and non-alcoholic beer.

31213 - Wineries

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wine or brandy, from grapes or other fruit. Establishments primarily engaged in growing grapes and manufacturing wine; manufacturing wine from purchased grapes and other fruit; blending wines; or distilling brandy are included.

31214 - Distilleries

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in distilling liquor, except brandy; blending liquor; or blending and mixing liquor and other ingredients.

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