Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector

336990 - Other transportation equipment manufacturingCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other Canadian industry, primarily engaged in manufacturing transportation equipment and parts.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • all-terrain or off-terrain vehicles (ATVs), wheeled or tracked, manufacturing
    • animal-drawn vehicles (e.g., wagons, sleighs, buggies, carriages, carts) and parts, manufacturing
    • armoured military vehicles and parts (except tanks), manufacturing
    • bicycles and tricycles parts (e.g., brakes, frames, gears, handlebars, saddles), manufacturing
    • bicycles and tricycles, manufacturing
    • go-carts (except children's), manufacturing
    • motorcycles, manufacturing
    • off-highway tracked vehicles (except construction, armoured military), manufacturing
    • race cars, manufacturing
    • tanks, military (including factory rebuilding), manufacturing

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • manufacturing bulldozers (See 333120 Construction machinery manufacturing)
    • manufacturing children's go-carts (See 339930 Doll, toy and game manufacturing)
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