Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector

332619 - Other fabricated wire product manufacturingCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other Canadian industry, primarily engaged in manufacturing wire products from purchased wire.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • barbed wire, made from purchased wire
    • brads, metal, made from purchased wire
    • fencing and fence gates, made from purchased wire
    • garment hangers, made from purchased wire
    • nails, brads and staples, made from purchased wire
    • paper clips, made from purchased wire
    • springs and spring units (except clock and watch), light gauge, made from purchased wire
    • staples, wire, made from purchased wire
    • upholstery springs and spring units, made from purchased wire

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • clock and watch springs, made from purchased wire (See 334512 Measuring, medical and controlling devices manufacturing)
    • drawing aluminum wire (See 331317 Aluminum rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying)
    • drawing copper wire (See 331420 Copper rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying)
    • drawing iron or steel wire (See 331110 Iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing)
    • drawing non-ferrous wire, except copper and aluminum (See 331490 Non-ferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying)
    • manufacturing electrical wire by insulating purchased wire (See 335920 Communication and energy wire and cable manufacturing)
    • precision clock or watch springs, made from purchased wire (See 334512 Measuring, medical and controlling devices manufacturing)
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