Variant of Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2021 for North and South

4712 - Division No. 12

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

Variant of Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2021 for North and South - Classification structure
Code Title Type
4712001Pleasant Valley No. 288 Pleasant Valley No. 288 Rural municipality
4712004St. Andrews No. 287 St. Andrews No. 287 Rural municipality
4712006Rosetown Rosetown Town
4712008Zealandia Zealandia Town
4712011Milden No. 286 Milden No. 286 Rural municipality
4712012Milden Milden Village
4712014Wiseton Wiseton Village
4712016Dinsmore Dinsmore Village
4712019Macrorie Macrorie Village
4712020Fertile Valley No. 285 Fertile Valley No. 285 Rural municipality
4712022Conquest Conquest Village
4712026Montrose No. 315 Montrose No. 315 Rural municipality
4712029Harris No. 316 Harris No. 316 Rural municipality
4712031Tessier Tessier Village
4712032Harris Harris Village
4712034Marriott No. 317 Marriott No. 317 Rural municipality
4712038Mountain View No. 318 Mountain View No. 318 Rural municipality
4712042Biggar No. 347 Biggar No. 347 Rural municipality
4712046Biggar Biggar Town
4712050Perdue No. 346 Perdue No. 346 Rural municipality
4712051Perdue Perdue Village
4712052Kinley Kinley Village
4712054Vanscoy No. 345 Vanscoy No. 345 Rural municipality
4712056Delisle Delisle Town
4712058Vanscoy Vanscoy Village
4712059Asquith Asquith Town
4712064Eagle Creek No. 376 Eagle Creek No. 376 Rural municipality
4712069Glenside No. 377 Glenside No. 377 Rural municipality
4712072Rosemount No. 378 Rosemount No. 378 Rural municipality
4712078Battle River No. 438 Battle River No. 438 Rural municipality
4712079Battleford Battleford Town
4712829Red Pheasant 108 Red Pheasant 108 Indian reserve
4712830Mosquito 109 Mosquito 109 Indian reserve
4712832Grizzly Bear's Head 110 and Lean Man 111 Grizzly Bear's Head 110 and Lean Man 111 Indian reserve
4712833Sweet Grass 113 Sweet Grass 113 Indian reserve
4712837Sweet Grass 113-M16 Sweet Grass 113-M16 Indian reserve
4712870Poundmaker 114-18B Poundmaker 114-18B Indian reserve
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