Variant of Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2021 for North and South

S - South

This category comprises province codes that are in whole or in part in the South. This includes portions of the following provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Quebec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

12 - Nova Scotia

Below is the list of census divisions within this province.

1201 - Shelburne

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1202 - Yarmouth

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1203 - Digby

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1204 - Queens

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1205 - Annapolis

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1206 - Lunenburg

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1207 - Kings

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1208 - Hants

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1209 - Halifax

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1210 - Colchester

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1211 - Cumberland

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1212 - Pictou

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1213 - Guysborough

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1214 - Antigonish

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1215 - Inverness

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1216 - Richmond

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1217 - Cape Breton

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

1218 - Victoria

Below is the list of census subdivisions within this census division.

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