North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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62399 - Other residential care facilities

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing residential care, such as transition homes for victims of violence, homes for children with a mental health condition or disability, camps for delinquent youth, group foster homes, halfway group homes for delinquents and offenders, and orphanages.

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0 - Classification structure
Code Canadian industry
623991Transition homes for victims and survivors of abuse and domestic violence Transition homes for victims and survivors of abuse and domestic violenceCAN
623992Homes for children with a mental health condition or disability Homes for children with a mental health condition or disabilityCAN
623993Homes for persons with a physical disability Homes for persons with a physical disabilityCAN
623999All other residential care facilities All other residential care facilitiesCAN
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