Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2001
3546 - Haliburton County
3546005 - Highlands East
- Bicroft
- Cardiff
- Cheddar
- Deer Lake
- Essonville
- Glamorgan
- Gooderham
- Highland Grove
- Hotspur
- Ironsides
- Maxwells
- Monmouth
- Paudash Lake
- Pusey
- Salerno Lake
- South Wilberforce
- Tory Hill
- Ursa
- Ward
- Wilberforce
3546015 - Minden Hills
- Allsaw
- Anson, Hindon and Minden
- Blairhampton
- Brady Lake
- Buller
- Carnarvon
- Country Lane Estates
- Deep Bay
- Dutch Line
- Elsie
- Furnace Falls
- Gelert
- Hindon Hill
- Hindon, Minden and Anson
- Horseshoe Lake
- Howland
- Ingoldsby
- Irondale
- Kilcoo Camp
- Lochlin
- Lutterworth
- Lutterworth Estates
- Minden
- Minden, Hindon and Anson
- Miners Bay
- Moore Falls
- Rackety
- Snowdon
3546018 - Sherborne, Stanhope, McClintock, Livingstone, Lawrence and Nightingale
- Boskung
- Buttermilk Falls
- Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre and Clyde
- Halls Lake
- Lawrence Township
- Little Hawk Lake
- Livingstone Township
- Maple Lake
- McClintock Township
- Oxtongue Lake
- Peterson Corner
- Pine Springs
- Russell Landing
- Sherborne and Others
- Sherborne, McClintock, Livingstone, Lawrence and Nightingale
- Stanhope
3546024 - Dysart and Others
- Donald
- Dudley Township
- Eagle Lake
- Fort Irwin
- Goulds
- Guilford Township
- Haliburton
- Haliburton Airport
- Harburn
- Harcourt
- Havelock Township
- Kennaway
- Kennisis Lake
- Mumford
- West Guilford
- Wickstead
- Date modified: