National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0
- 4 - Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
- 41 - Professional occupations in law, education, social, community and government services
- 412 - Professional occupations in education services
- 4122 - Secondary, elementary and kindergarten school teachers
41220 - Secondary school teachers
Secondary school teachers prepare and teach academic, technical, vocational or specialized subjects at public and private secondary schools. Secondary school teachers who are heads of departments are included in this unit group.
Illustrative example(s)
- adult education teacher - secondary school
- biology teacher - secondary school
- commerce teacher - secondary school
- English as a second language (ESL) high school teacher
- English teacher - secondary school
- French as a second language teacher - secondary school
- history teacher - secondary school
- librarian-teacher - high school
- remedial teacher - secondary school
- secondary school department head
- secondary school teacher
- special education teacher - secondary school
- supply high school teacher
- trades instructor - secondary school
- vocational teacher - secondary school
- College and other vocational instructors (See 41210 College and other vocational instructors)
- Educational counsellors (See 41320 Educational counsellors)
- Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants (See 43100 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants)
- Elementary school and kindergarten teachers (See 41221 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers)
- Instructors of persons with disabilities (See 42203 Instructors of persons with disabilities)
- Other instructors (See 43109 Other instructors)
- Psychoeducator (See 41301 Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies)
- School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education (See 40021 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education)
- Secondary school librarian (See 52100 Library and public archive technicians)
Main duties
This group performs some or all of the following duties:
- Prepare subject material for presentation to students according to an approved curriculum
- Teach students using a systematic plan of lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations, and laboratory, shop and field studies
- Assign and correct homework
- Prepare, administer and correct tests
- Evaluate progress, determine individual needs of students and discuss results with parents and school officials
- Prepare and implement remedial programs for students requiring extra help
- Participate in staff meetings, educational conferences and teacher training workshops
- May teach and evaluate students through distance or online courses
- May advise students on course selection and on vocational and personal matters
- May supervise student teachers.
Secondary school teachers may specialize in such areas as mathematics, English, French, special education or second language instruction. Secondary school teachers of vocational and trades subjects may specialize in areas such as hairdressing or auto mechanics.
Employment requirements
- Teachers of academic subjects require a bachelor's degree in education which is often preceded by a bachelor's degree in the arts or sciences.
- Teachers of vocational or technical subjects require a bachelor's degree in education which is usually preceded by specialized training or experience in the subject.
- Instructors of trades in Quebec require completion of an apprenticeship training program and industry or trade certification.
- Department heads usually require several years of teaching experience.
- To specialize in special education or English or French as a second language, additional training is required.
- A provincial teaching certificate is required.
- Membership in a provincial or territorial teachers' association or federation may be required.
Additional information
- Progression to vice-principal or other administrative positions in the education system is possible with experience.
- In Quebec, trades training programs are usually offered in the secondary school system.
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