National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0


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41201 - Post-secondary teaching and research assistants

Post-secondary teaching and research assistants assist university professors, community college and CEGEP teachers and other faculty members in teaching and research activities at universities and colleges.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • college laboratory assistant
    • college teaching assistant
    • graduate assistant - university
    • post-secondary research assistant
    • university research assistant

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • tutor - post-secondary teaching assistant
  • Exclusion(s)

    • Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants (See 43100 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants)
    • Other instructors (See 43109 Other instructors)
  • Main duties

    This group performs some or all of the following duties:

    Post-secondary teaching assistants

    • Organize reference materials, visual aids and other materials as required by university professors or college teachers for lectures
    • Conduct seminars, discussion groups and laboratory sessions to supplement lectures
    • Assist in the preparation and administration of examinations
    • Grade examinations, term papers and laboratory reports.

    Research assistants

    • Conduct literature reviews, surveys, laboratory experiments and other research for use in scholarly publications
    • Compile research results and assist professors in the analysis of results and the preparation of journal articles or papers.

    Post-secondary teaching and research assistants specialize in a subject matter based on their field of study.

  • Employment requirements

    • Enrolment in, or completion of, a university or college program is required.
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