National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0


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7 - Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations

This broad category comprises middle management occupations in trades, transportation and equipment, as well as occupations such as technical trades and transportation officers and controllers; general trades; mail and message distribution, other transport equipment operators and related maintenance workers; and helpers and labourers and other transport drivers, operators and labourers.

74 - Mail and message distribution, other transport equipment operators and related maintenance workers

This major group comprises mail and message distribution, other transport equipment operators and related maintenance workers. These occupations come with Training, Education, Experience and Responsibility (TEER) identified as TEER 4. Occupations classified in TEER 4, as those included in this group with a 4 as the second digit of their code, typically require completion of secondary school; or several weeks of on-the-job training with some secondary school education; or experience in a related occupation from TEER 5, when applicable (TEER 5 includes occupations with a 5 as a second digit in their code).

742 - Transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related workers

This sub-major group comprises transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related workers, including railway yard and track maintenance workers; water transport deck and engine room crew; air transport ramp attendants; automotive and heavy truck and equipment parts installers and servicers; utility maintenance workers; and public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers.

7420 - Transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related maintenance workers

This minor group comprises transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related maintenance workers, including railway yard and track maintenance workers; water transport deck and engine room crew; air transport ramp attendants; automotive and heavy truck and equipment parts installers and servicers; utility maintenance workers; and public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers. They are employed by railway and marine transport companies; the federal government; cable ferry companies, ferry terminals, marine companies and canal, port and harbour authorities; airline and air services companies; automobile and truck service and repair shops; service departments of industrial establishments; and construction, mining and logging companies.

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