National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0


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600 - Middle management occupations in retail and wholesale trade and customer services

This sub-major group comprises middle management occupations in retail and wholesale trade and customer services, including corporate sales managers; retail and wholesale trade managers; managers in food service and accommodation; and managers in customer and personal services.

6001 - Corporate sales managers

This minor group comprises corporate sales managers. They are employed by commercial, industrial and wholesale and retail trade establishments.

6002 - Retail and wholesale trade managers

This minor group comprises retail and wholesale trade managers. They are employed by retail and wholesale sales establishments; or they may own and operate their own stores (self-employed).

6003 - Managers in food service and accommodation

This minor group comprises managers in restaurants and other food service and accommodation service. They are employed by food and beverage service establishments; and hotels, motels, resorts, student residences and other accommodation establishments; or they may be self-employed.

6004 - Managers in customer and personal services

This minor group comprises managers in customer and personal services, not elsewhere classified. They are employed by hairdressing salons, dry cleaners, residential cleaning services and other establishments that provide customer and personal services not elsewhere classified; and by schools that provide non-vocational instruction in driving, languages, music, dance, art, cooking and fashion.

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