Household expenditures, detailed categories

1 - Total current consumption

Household expenditures, detailed categories - Classification structure
Code Title
1.1Total food Total food
1.2Total shelter Total shelter
1.3Total household operation Total household operation
1.4Total household furnishings and equipment Total household furnishings and equipment
1.5Total clothing Total clothing
1.6Total transportation Total transportation
1.7Total health care Total health care
1.8Total personal care Total personal care
1.9Total recreation Total recreation
1.10Total reading materials and other printed matter Total reading materials and other printed matter
1.11Total education Total education
1.12Total tobacco products and alcoholic beverages Total tobacco products and alcoholic beverages
1.13Games of chance (net of winnings) Games of chance (net of winnings)
1.14Total miscellaneous expenditures Total miscellaneous expenditures
1.15Personal taxes (net of refunds) Personal taxes (net of refunds)
1.16Total personal insurance payments and pension contributions Total personal insurance payments and pension contributions
1.17Total gifts of money and contributions Total gifts of money and contributions
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