National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Version 1.3
8 - Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations
These occupations include supervisors and equipment operators in the natural resource-based sectors of mining, oil and gas production, forestry and logging, agriculture, horticulture and fishing. Most occupations in this category are industry specific and do not occur outside of the primary resources industries.
Occupations within this category generally require completion of college or vocational education programs. Some of these occupations, however, are characterized by on-the-job training and progression through experience.
84 - Workers in natural resources, agriculture and related production
This major group comprises workers in natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations, which usually require completion of secondary school and some training, a licence or certification. It includes mine service workers and operators in oil and gas drilling; logging and forestry workers; agriculture and horticulture workers; and other workers in fishing, trapping and hunting occupations.
841 - Mine service workers and operators in oil and gas drilling
This minor group includes underground mine service and support workers; and oil and gas well drilling and related workers and services operators. They are employed by coal, metal and non-metallic mineral mines; drilling and well service contractors; and petroleum producing companies.
842 - Logging and forestry workers
This minor group includes chain saw and skidder operators; and silviculture and forestry workers. They are employed by logging companies, contractors, and government services.
843 - Agriculture and horticulture workers
This minor group includes general farm workers and nursery and greenhouse workers. They are employed on crop, livestock, fruit, vegetable and specialty farms; and in indoor and outdoor nurseries and greenhouses.
844 - Other workers in fishing and trapping and hunting occupations
This minor group includes fishing vessel deckhands; and trappers and hunters who are usually self-employed and work on a seasonal basis. They are employed by establishments that operate commercial fishing vessels; and fishermen/women who are usually self-employed owner-operators of fishing vessels; or they may be self-employed.
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