Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2018
Status: This standard was replaced by the 'Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2019' as of September 15, 2020.
The Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2018 is based on the international standard for country codes ISO 3166-1:2013. All changes made as of December 31, 2018 are included in this 2018 version of the SCCAI. The list was also updated for consistency with Government of Canada norms.
In addition to the list of countries and areas of interest, a classification variant for social statistics data is included. The hierarchical structure of the classification shows the relationship between these geographic areas.
Classification structure
Code | Countries and Areas of Interest | Num-3 | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
11124 | Canada | 124 | CA | CAN |
11304 | Greenland | 304 | GL | GRL |
11666 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 666 | PM | SPM |
11840 | United StatesNote 1 | 840 | US | USA |
12084 | Belize | 084 | BZ | BLZ |
12188 | Costa Rica | 188 | CR | CRI |
12222 | El Salvador | 222 | SV | SLV |
12320 | Guatemala | 320 | GT | GTM |
12340 | Honduras | 340 | HN | HND |
12484 | Mexico | 484 | MX | MEX |
12558 | Nicaragua | 558 | NI | NIC |
12591 | Panama | 591 | PA | PAN |
13028 | Antigua and Barbuda | 028 | AG | ATG |
13044 | Bahamas | 044 | BS | BHS |
13052 | Barbados | 052 | BB | BRB |
13060 | Bermuda | 060 | BM | BMU |
13092 | Virgin Islands, British | 092 | VG | VGB |
13136 | Cayman Islands | 136 | KY | CYM |
13192 | Cuba | 192 | CU | CUB |
13212 | Dominica | 212 | DM | DMA |
13214 | Dominican Republic | 214 | DO | DOM |
13308 | Grenada | 308 | GD | GRD |
13312 | Guadeloupe | 312 | GP | GLP |
13332 | Haiti | 332 | HT | HTI |
13388 | Jamaica | 388 | JM | JAM |
13474 | Martinique | 474 | MQ | MTQ |
13500 | Montserrat | 500 | MS | MSR |
13531 | Curaçao | 531 | CW | CUW |
13533 | Aruba | 533 | AW | ABW |
13534 | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | 534 | SX | SXM |
13535 | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | 535 | BQ | BES |
13630 | Puerto Rico | 630 | PR | PRI |
13652 | Saint Barthélemy | 652 | BL | BLM |
13659 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 659 | KN | KNA |
13660 | Anguilla | 660 | AI | AIA |
13662 | Saint Lucia | 662 | LC | LCA |
13663 | Saint Martin (French part) | 663 | MF | MAF |
13670 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 670 | VC | VCT |
13780 | Trinidad and Tobago | 780 | TT | TTO |
13796 | Turks and Caicos Islands | 796 | TC | TCA |
13850 | Virgin Islands, United States | 850 | VI | VIR |
14032 | Argentina | 032 | AR | ARG |
14068 | BoliviaNote 2 | 068 | BO | BOL |
14076 | Brazil | 076 | BR | BRA |
14152 | Chile | 152 | CL | CHL |
14170 | Colombia | 170 | CO | COL |
14218 | Ecuador | 218 | EC | ECU |
14238 | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 238 | FK | FLK |
14239 | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | 239 | GS | SGS |
14254 | French Guiana | 254 | GF | GUF |
14328 | Guyana | 328 | GY | GUY |
14600 | Paraguay | 600 | PY | PRY |
14604 | Peru | 604 | PE | PER |
14740 | Suriname | 740 | SR | SUR |
14858 | Uruguay | 858 | UY | URY |
14862 | VenezuelaNote 3 | 862 | VE | VEN |
21040 | Austria | 040 | AT | AUT |
21056 | Belgium | 056 | BE | BEL |
21250 | France | 250 | FR | FRA |
21276 | Germany | 276 | DE | DEU |
21438 | Liechtenstein | 438 | LI | LIE |
21442 | Luxembourg | 442 | LU | LUX |
21492 | Monaco | 492 | MC | MCO |
21528 | Netherlands | 528 | NL | NLD |
21756 | Switzerland | 756 | CH | CHE |
22100 | Bulgaria | 100 | BG | BGR |
22112 | Belarus | 112 | BY | BLR |
22203 | Czechia | 203 | CZ | CZE |
22233 | Estonia | 233 | EE | EST |
22348 | Hungary | 348 | HU | HUN |
22428 | Latvia | 428 | LV | LVA |
22440 | Lithuania | 440 | LT | LTU |
22498 | MoldovaNote 4 | 498 | MD | MDA |
22616 | Poland | 616 | PL | POL |
22642 | Romania | 642 | RO | ROU |
22643 | Russian Federation | 643 | RU | RUS |
22703 | Slovakia | 703 | SK | SVK |
22804 | Ukraine | 804 | UA | UKR |
23208 | Denmark | 208 | DK | DNK |
23234 | Faroe Islands | 234 | FO | FRO |
23246 | Finland | 246 | FI | FIN |
23248 | Åland Islands | 248 | AX | ALA |
23352 | Iceland | 352 | IS | ISL |
23372 | IrelandNote 5 | 372 | IE | IRL |
23578 | Norway | 578 | NO | NOR |
23680 | Sark | 680 | XQ | XSQ |
23744 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 744 | SJ | SJM |
23752 | Sweden | 752 | SE | SWE |
23826 | United KingdomNote 6 | 826 | GB | GBR |
23831 | Guernsey | 831 | GG | GGY |
23832 | Jersey | 832 | JE | JEY |
23833 | Isle of Man | 833 | IM | IMN |
24008 | Albania | 008 | AL | ALB |
24020 | Andorra | 020 | AD | AND |
24070 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 070 | BA | BIH |
24191 | Croatia | 191 | HR | HRV |
24292 | Gibraltar | 292 | GI | GIB |
24300 | Greece | 300 | GR | GRC |
24336 | Holy See (Vatican City State) | 336 | VA | VAT |
24380 | Italy | 380 | IT | ITA |
24470 | Malta | 470 | MT | MLT |
24499 | Montenegro | 499 | ME | MNE |
24620 | Portugal | 620 | PT | PRT |
24674 | San Marino | 674 | SM | SMR |
24688 | SerbiaNote 7 | 688 | RS | SRB |
24705 | Slovenia | 705 | SI | SVN |
24724 | Spain | 724 | ES | ESP |
24807 | Macedonia, Republic ofNote 8 | 807 | MK | MKD |
24983 | KosovoNote 9 | 983 | XK | XKO |
31132 | Cabo Verde | 132 | CV | CPV |
31204 | Benin | 204 | BJ | BEN |
31270 | Gambia | 270 | GM | GMB |
31288 | Ghana | 288 | GH | GHA |
31324 | Guinea | 324 | GN | GIN |
31384 | Côte d'Ivoire | 384 | CI | CIV |
31430 | Liberia | 430 | LR | LBR |
31466 | Mali | 466 | ML | MLI |
31478 | Mauritania | 478 | MR | MRT |
31562 | Niger | 562 | NE | NER |
31566 | Nigeria | 566 | NG | NGA |
31624 | Guinea-Bissau | 624 | GW | GNB |
31654 | Saint HelenaNote 10 | 654 | SH | SHN |
31686 | Senegal | 686 | SN | SEN |
31694 | Sierra Leone | 694 | SL | SLE |
31768 | Togo | 768 | TG | TGO |
31854 | Burkina Faso | 854 | BF | BFA |
32108 | Burundi | 108 | BI | BDI |
32174 | Comoros | 174 | KM | COM |
32175 | Mayotte | 175 | YT | MYT |
32231 | Ethiopia | 231 | ET | ETH |
32232 | Eritrea | 232 | ER | ERI |
32262 | Djibouti | 262 | DJ | DJI |
32404 | Kenya | 404 | KE | KEN |
32450 | Madagascar | 450 | MG | MDG |
32454 | Malawi | 454 | MW | MWI |
32480 | Mauritius | 480 | MU | MUS |
32508 | Mozambique | 508 | MZ | MOZ |
32638 | Réunion | 638 | RE | REU |
32646 | Rwanda | 646 | RW | RWA |
32690 | Seychelles | 690 | SC | SYC |
32706 | Somalia | 706 | SO | SOM |
32716 | Zimbabwe | 716 | ZW | ZWE |
32728 | South Sudan | 728 | SS | SSD |
32800 | Uganda | 800 | UG | UGA |
32834 | TanzaniaNote 11 | 834 | TZ | TZA |
32894 | Zambia | 894 | ZM | ZMB |
33012 | Algeria | 012 | DZ | DZA |
33434 | Libya | 434 | LY | LBY |
33504 | Morocco | 504 | MA | MAR |
33729 | SudanNote 12 | 729 | SD | SDN |
33732 | Western Sahara | 732 | EH | ESH |
33788 | Tunisia | 788 | TN | TUN |
33818 | Egypt | 818 | EG | EGY |
34024 | Angola | 024 | AO | AGO |
34120 | Cameroon | 120 | CM | CMR |
34140 | Central African Republic | 140 | CF | CAF |
34148 | Chad | 148 | TD | TCD |
34178 | Congo, Republic of the | 178 | CG | COG |
34180 | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | 180 | CD | COD |
34226 | Equatorial Guinea | 226 | GQ | GNQ |
34266 | Gabon | 266 | GA | GAB |
34678 | Sao Tome and Principe | 678 | ST | STP |
35072 | Botswana | 072 | BW | BWA |
35426 | Lesotho | 426 | LS | LSO |
35516 | Namibia | 516 | NA | NAM |
35710 | South Africa, Republic of | 710 | ZA | ZAF |
35748 | Eswatini | 748 | SZ | SWZ |
41004 | Afghanistan | 004 | AF | AFG |
41031 | Azerbaijan | 031 | AZ | AZE |
41048 | Bahrain | 048 | BH | BHR |
41051 | Armenia | 051 | AM | ARM |
41196 | Cyprus | 196 | CY | CYP |
41268 | Georgia | 268 | GE | GEO |
41275 | West Bank and Gaza Strip (Palestine)Note 13 | 275 | PS | PSE |
41364 | IranNote 14 | 364 | IR | IRN |
41368 | Iraq | 368 | IQ | IRQ |
41376 | Israel | 376 | IL | ISR |
41398 | Kazakhstan | 398 | KZ | KAZ |
41400 | Jordan | 400 | JO | JOR |
41414 | Kuwait | 414 | KW | KWT |
41417 | Kyrgyzstan | 417 | KG | KGZ |
41422 | Lebanon | 422 | LB | LBN |
41512 | Oman | 512 | OM | OMN |
41634 | Qatar | 634 | QA | QAT |
41682 | Saudi Arabia | 682 | SA | SAU |
41760 | SyriaNote 15 | 760 | SY | SYR |
41762 | Tajikistan | 762 | TJ | TJK |
41784 | United Arab Emirates | 784 | AE | ARE |
41792 | Turkey | 792 | TR | TUR |
41795 | Turkmenistan | 795 | TM | TKM |
41860 | Uzbekistan | 860 | UZ | UZB |
41887 | Yemen | 887 | YE | YEM |
42156 | ChinaNote 16 | 156 | CN | CHN |
42158 | Taiwan | 158 | TW | TWN |
42344 | Hong KongNote 17 | 344 | HK | HKG |
42392 | Japan | 392 | JP | JPN |
42408 | Korea, NorthNote 18 | 408 | KP | PRK |
42410 | Korea, SouthNote 19 | 410 | KR | KOR |
42446 | MacaoNote 20 | 446 | MO | MAC |
42496 | Mongolia | 496 | MN | MNG |
43096 | Brunei Darussalam | 096 | BN | BRN |
43104 | Burma (Myanmar) | 104 | MM | MMR |
43116 | Cambodia | 116 | KH | KHM |
43360 | Indonesia | 360 | ID | IDN |
43418 | LaosNote 21 | 418 | LA | LAO |
43458 | Malaysia | 458 | MY | MYS |
43608 | Philippines | 608 | PH | PHL |
43626 | Timor-Leste | 626 | TL | TLS |
43702 | Singapore | 702 | SG | SGP |
43704 | Viet Nam | 704 | VN | VNM |
43764 | Thailand | 764 | TH | THA |
44050 | Bangladesh | 050 | BD | BGD |
44064 | Bhutan | 064 | BT | BTN |
44086 | British Indian Ocean Territory | 086 | IO | IOT |
44144 | Sri Lanka | 144 | LK | LKA |
44356 | India | 356 | IN | IND |
44462 | Maldives | 462 | MV | MDV |
44524 | Nepal | 524 | NP | NPL |
44586 | Pakistan | 586 | PK | PAK |
51016 | American Samoa | 016 | AS | ASM |
51036 | Australia | 036 | AU | AUS |
51090 | Solomon Islands | 090 | SB | SLB |
51162 | Christmas Island | 162 | CX | CXR |
51166 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 166 | CC | CCK |
51184 | Cook Islands | 184 | CK | COK |
51242 | Fiji | 242 | FJ | FJI |
51258 | French Polynesia | 258 | PF | PYF |
51296 | Kiribati | 296 | KI | KIR |
51316 | Guam | 316 | GU | GUM |
51520 | Nauru | 520 | NR | NRU |
51540 | New Caledonia | 540 | NC | NCL |
51548 | Vanuatu | 548 | VU | VUT |
51554 | New Zealand | 554 | NZ | NZL |
51570 | Niue | 570 | NU | NIU |
51574 | Norfolk Island | 574 | NF | NFK |
51580 | Northern Mariana Islands | 580 | MP | MNP |
51581 | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 581 | UM | UMI |
51583 | Micronesia, Federated States of | 583 | FM | FSM |
51584 | Marshall Islands | 584 | MH | MHL |
51585 | Palau | 585 | PW | PLW |
51598 | Papua New Guinea | 598 | PG | PNG |
51612 | Pitcairn | 612 | PN | PCN |
51772 | Tokelau | 772 | TK | TKL |
51776 | Tonga | 776 | TO | TON |
51798 | Tuvalu | 798 | TV | TUV |
51876 | Wallis and Futuna | 876 | WF | WLF |
51882 | Samoa | 882 | WS | WSM |
61010 | Antarctica | 010 | AQ | ATA |
61074 | Bouvet Island | 074 | BV | BVT |
61260 | French Southern Territories | 260 | TF | ATF |
61334 | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | 334 | HM | HMD |
- Note 1
The official name of United States is United States of America.
- Note 2
The official name of Bolivia is Plurinational State of Bolivia.
- Note 3
The official name of Venezuela is Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
- Note 4
The official name of Moldova is Republic of Moldova.
- Note 5
Ireland is also referred to as Republic of Ireland.
- Note 6
The official name of United Kingdom is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. United Kingdom includes Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland (excludes Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and British Overseas Territories).
- Note 7
Serbia excludes Kosovo.
- Note 8
Macedonia, Republic of: known as the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia by the United Nations and other international bodies.
- Note 9
The official name of Kosovo is Republic of Kosovo.
- Note 10
The official name of Saint Helena is Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha.
- Note 11
The official name of Tanzania is United Republic of Tanzania.
- Note 12
The full name of Sudan is the Republic of the Sudan.
- Note 13
West Bank and Gaza Strip (Palestine): West Bank and Gaza Strip are the territories referred to in the Declaration of Principles, signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1993. Palestine refers to pre-1948 British mandate Palestine.
- Note 14
The official name of Iran is Islamic Republic of Iran.
- Note 15
The official name of Syria is Syrian Arab Republic.
- Note 16
China excludes Hong Kong and Macao.
- Note 17
The full name of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.
- Note 18
The official name of North Korea is Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
- Note 19
The official name of South Korea is Republic of Korea.
- Note 20
The full name of Macao is Macao Special Administrative Region of China.
- Note 21
The official name of Laos is Lao People's Democratic Republic.
- Date modified: