National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011


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1 - Business, finance and administration occupations

11 - Professional occupations in business and finance

112 - Human resources and business service professionals

1121 - Human resources professionals

Human resources professionals develop, implement and evaluate human resources and labour relations policies, programs and procedures and advise managers and employers on human resources matters. Human resources professionals are employed throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • business agent, labour organization
    • classification officer - human resources
    • classification specialist
    • compensation research analyst
    • conciliator
    • consultant, human resources
    • employee relations officer
    • employment equity officer
    • human resources research officer
    • job analyst
    • labour relations officer
    • mediator
    • union representative
    • wage analyst

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • Human resources and recruitment officers (1223)
    • Human resources managers (0112)
    • Personnel clerks (1415)
    • Professional occupations in business management consulting (1122)
    • Training officers and instructors (See 4021 College and other vocational instructors)
  • Main duties

    Human resources professionals perform some or all of the following duties:

    • Plan, develop, implement and evaluate human resources and labour relations strategies including policies, programs and procedures to address an organization's human resource requirements
    • Advise managers and employees on the interpretation of human resources policies, compensation and benefit programs and collective agreements
    • Negotiate collective agreements on behalf of employers or workers, mediate labour disputes and grievances and provide advice on employee and labour relations
    • Research and prepare occupational classifications, job descriptions, salary scales and competency appraisal measures and systems
    • Plan and administer staffing, total compensation, training and career development, employee assistance, employment equity and affirmative action programs
    • Manage programs and maintain human resources information and related records systems
    • Hire and oversee training of staff
    • Co-ordinate employee performance appraisal programs
    • Research employee benefit and health and safety practices and recommend changes or modifications to existing policies.
  • Employment requirements

    • A university degree or college diploma in human resources management or a related field, such as business administration, industrial relations, commerce or psychology
      Completion of a professional development program in human resources administration is required.
    • Some employers may require human resources professionals to hold a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.
  • Additional information

    • Progression to management positions is possible with experience.
1122 - Professional occupations in business management consulting

This unit group includes those who provide services to management such as analyzing the structure, operations, managerial methods or functions of an organization in order to propose, plan and implement improvements. They are employed by management consulting firms and throughout the public and private sectors or are self-employed.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • business management consultant
    • business methods analyst
    • consultant, organizational analysis
    • health information management consultant
    • ISO consultant
    • management analyst
    • organizational analyst
    • records management specialist
    • researcher, organization and methods
    • senior consultant, operations management

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants (4163)
    • Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts (4162)
    • Financial and investment analysts (1112)
    • Financial auditors and accountants (1111)
    • Health information management occupations (1252)
    • Industrial and manufacturing engineers (2141)
    • Other financial officers (1114)
    • Records management technicians (1253)
  • Main duties

    Management consultants perform some or all of the following duties:

    • Analyze and provide advice on the managerial methods and organization of a public or private sector establishment
    • Conduct research to determine efficiency and effectiveness of managerial policies and programs
    • Conduct assessments and propose improvements to methods, systems and procedures in areas such as operations, human resources, records management and communications
    • Conduct quality audits and develop quality management and quality assurance standards for ISO (International Organization for Standardization) registration
    • Plan the reorganization of the operations of an establishment
    • May supervise contracted researchers or clerical staff.
  • Employment requirements

    • A bachelor's degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce or a related discipline is usually required.
    • A graduate degree in business administration may be required.
    • Some establishments may require management consultants to be certified by a provincial management consulting association.
    • Certification as a quality auditor may be required for some occupations in this unit group.
    • Occupations in health information management consulting may require certification by the Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA).
  • Additional information

    • Progression to senior and managerial positions is possible with experience.
1123 - Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations

This unit group includes specialists in advertising, marketing and public relations who analyse, develop and implement communication and promotion strategies and information programs, analyse advertising needs and develop appropriate advertising and marketing plans, publicize activities and events, and maintain media relations on behalf of businesses, governments and other organizations, and for performers, athletes, writers and other talented individuals. They are employed by consulting firms, advertising agencies, corporations, associations, government, social agencies, museums, galleries, public interest groups, and cultural and other organizations, or they may be self-employed. Agents such as entertainment, literary and sports agents are included in this unit group.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • advertising consultant
    • communications officer
    • communications specialist
    • event marketing specialist
    • fundraising consultant
    • information officer
    • literary agent
    • media co-ordinator
    • media relations officer
    • museum educator
    • performers agent
    • press secretary
    • public affairs officer
    • public relations consultant
    • public relations officer
    • publicist
    • publicity agent

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • Authors and writers (5121)
    • Conference and event planners (1226)
    • Marketing consultants (See 4163 Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants)
    • Public relations managers (See 0124 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers)
  • Main duties

    Specialists in advertising, marketing and public relations perform some or all of the following duties:

    • Assess characteristics of products or services to be promoted and advise on the advertising needs of an establishment
    • Advise clients on advertising or sales promotion strategies
    • Develop and implement advertising campaigns appropriate for print or electronic media
    • Gather, research and prepare communications material for internal and external audiences
    • Develop, implement and evaluate communications strategies and programs designed to inform clients, employees and the general public of initiatives and policies of businesses, governments and other organizations
    • Conduct public opinion and attitude surveys to identify the interests and concerns of key groups served by their organization
    • Prepare or oversee preparation of reports, briefs, bibliographies, speeches, presentations, Web sites and press releases
    • Develop and organize workshops, meetings, ceremonies and other events for publicity, fundraising and information purposes
    • Prepare and deliver educational and publicity programs and informational materials to increase awareness of museums, galleries and other tourist attractions
    • Initiate and maintain contact with the media
    • Arrange interviews and news conferences
    • Act as spokesperson for an organization and answer written and oral inquiries
    • Co-ordinate special publicity events and promotions for internal and external audiences
    • Assist in the preparation of brochures, reports, newsletters and other material
    • Represent and act as an agent for talented individuals or individuals with specific occupational expertise
    • Prepare or oversee preparation of sports, literary, performance or other contracts.

    Literary agents specialize in representing specific types of authors and writers. Performance agents specialize in representing singers, musicians, actors or other performers. Sports agents specialize in representing specific athletes or sports teams.

  • Employment requirements

    • A university degree or college diploma in business marketing, public relations, communications, journalism, museology or a discipline related to a particular subject matter is usually required.
    • Practitioners in public relations may require an APR (Accredited in Public Relations) designation.
  • Additional information

    • Progression to managerial positions in public relations, communications and fundraising is possible with additional training and experience.
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