Variant of NAICS 2017 Version 3.0 - Energy sector
- Non E - Industries not included in the energy sector
- 41 - Wholesale trade
- 414 - Personal and household goods merchant wholesalersCAN
- 4144 - Personal goods merchant wholesalersCAN
- 41441 - Jewellery and watch merchant wholesalersCAN
414410 - Jewellery and watch merchant wholesalersCAN
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling jewellery, finished gem stones, watches, silverware, and table flatware, hollowware or cutlery made of precious metal.
Illustrative example(s)
- silverware and plated ware merchant wholesalers
- repairing jewellery and watches (See 811490 Other personal and household goods repair and maintenance)
- wholesaling non-precious metal cutlery (See 414390 Other home furnishings merchant wholesalers)
- Date modified: