Variant of NAICS 2017 Version 3.0 - Energy sector
- Non E - Industries not included in the energy sector
- 41 - Wholesale trade
- 413 - Food, beverage and tobacco merchant wholesalersCAN
- 4132 - Beverage merchant wholesalersCAN
- 41322 - Alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalersCAN
413220 - Alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalersCAN
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling alcoholic beverages.
Illustrative example(s)
- alcoholic beverages merchant wholesalers
- coolers (2.5% or greater alcohol content) merchant wholesalers
- hard cider (2.5% or greater alcohol content) merchant wholesalers
- liquors and wines merchant wholesalers
- spirits (e.g., distilled, neutral, brandy) merchant wholesalers
- Date modified: