North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2012
- 23 - Construction
- 238 - Specialty trade contractors
- 2381 - Foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors
- 23813 - Framing contractorsUS
238130 - Framing contractorsUS
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in structural framing and sheathing using materials other than structural steel or concrete. The work performed may include new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs.
Illustrative example(s)
- building framing (except structural steel), installation
- post framing contractors
- prefabricated wood frame components (e.g., trusses), installation
- stud walls, wood or steel, installation
- wood frame components (e.g., truss), fabrication on site
- installing structural steel framing or precast concrete framing (See 238120 Structural steel and precast concrete contractors)
- constructing brick, block, stone foundations (See 238140 Masonry contractors)
- finish carpentry (See 238350 Finish carpentry contractors)
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