North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2012
- 11 - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- 113 - Forestry and logging
- 1133 - Logging
- 11331 - Logging
113312 - Contract loggingCAN
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in cutting timber, producing rough, round, hewn, or riven primary wood, and producing wood chips in the forest, on a fee or contract basis. Establishments primarily engaged in cutting and transporting timber are also included.
Illustrative example(s)
- beachcombers (lost log recovery)
- contract logging
- custom logging, contractor
- log booming, bucking, salvaging, skidding and yarding on contract
- log hauling in the forest with logging
- logging contractor (felling, cutting, bucking)
- logs contract stump to truck
- lumber jack contractor, log, tree felling
- pulpwood and timber cutting on contract
- timber cutting and yarding on contract
- trucking timber, local (See 484223 Forest products trucking, local)
- trucking timber, long distance (See 484233 Forest products trucking, long distance)
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