North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2012
- 11 - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- 111 - Crop production
- 1119 - Other crop farming
- 11199 - All other crop farming
111999 - All other miscellaneous crop farmingCAN
This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other Canadian industry, primarily engaged in growing crops. Establishments primarily engaged in general crop farming or combination crop farming (except combination fruit and vegetable farming), are also included in this Canadian industry.
Illustrative example(s)
- crop and animal (livestock) combination farming (primarily crop)
- field crop combination farm (except grain and oil seeds; or fruit and vegetable)
- herb farming (except greenhouse grown)
- hop, growing or farming
- peanut farming
- spice farming (except greenhouse grown)
- growing wheat, corn, rice, soybeans, and other grains and oilseeds (See 1111 Oilseed and grain farming)
- growing a combination of oilseeds and grains (See 111190 Other grain farming)
- growing tree nuts and fruit (See 1113 Fruit and tree nut farming)
- growing greenhouse, nursery and floriculture products (See 1114 Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production)
- growing tobacco (See 111910 Tobacco farming)
- growing cotton (See 111920 Cotton farming)
- growing sugar cane (See 111930 Sugar cane farming)
- growing hay (See 111940 Hay farming)
- growing a combination of fruit and vegetable (See 111993 Fruit and vegetable combination farming)
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