North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2012


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71131 - Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events with facilities

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating arts, sports and mixed-use facilities, and in organizing and promoting performing arts productions, sports events and similar events, such as festivals, held in these facilities. These establishments may also rent their facilities to other promoters.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • owning and leasing stadiums, arenas, theatres, and other related facilities, but not producing or promoting live events held in these facilities (See 531120 Lessors of non-residential buildings (except mini-warehouses))
    • organizing convention and trade shows (See 561920 Convention and trade show organizers)
    • producing and promoting live theatre, dance, music or other performing arts presentations in their own facilities (See 7111 Performing arts companies)
    • sports teams that present their own sports events (See 711211 Sports teams and clubs)
    • operating race tracks and presenting races (See 711213 Horse race tracks)
    • organizing and promoting performing arts productions, sports events, and similar events, such as festivals, in facilities managed and operated by others (See 71132 Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events without facilities)

711311 - Live theatres and other performing arts presenters with facilitiesCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating live theatres and other arts facilities, and organizing and promoting performing arts productions held in these facilities. Theatre festivals with facilities are included.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • arts events organizers, with facilities
    • arts festival promoters, with facilities
    • concert organizers, with facilities
    • performing arts centres, promoting events
    • presenters, arts events, with their own facilities
    • promoters of arts events, with facilities
    • theatre festival promoters, with facilities
    • theatre operators, promoting events

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • promoting and presenting film festivals (See 512130 Motion picture and video exhibition)
    • producing theatrical performances in own facilities, including dinner theatres and theatre festivals (See 711111 Theatre (except musical) companies)

711319 - Sports stadiums and other presenters with facilitiesCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating sports stadiums and other sports facilities, and organizing and promoting sports events or similar events held in these facilities. Establishments primarily engaged in promoting and presenting sports tournaments, in their own facilities, are included.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • fair organizers, agricultural, with facilities
    • horse show promoters, with facilities
    • sports organizers and operators with facilities
    • wrestling promoters, with facilities

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • operating sports teams that manage their own facilities (See 711211 Sports teams and clubs)
    • operating horse race tracks (See 711213 Horse race tracks)
    • operating auto and other race tracks (See 711218 Other spectator sports)
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