North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 3.0
442 - Furniture and home furnishings stores
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing new furniture and home furnishings. These establishments usually operate from showrooms and many offer interior decorating services in addition to the sale of products.
- retailing furniture and home furnishings by means of electronic shopping, mail-order or direct sale (See 454 Non-store retailers)
- retailing used furniture and home furnishings (See 453310 Used merchandise stores)
4421 - Furniture storesUS
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing new household and office furniture. These establishments may also retail major appliances, home electronics, home furnishings and floor coverings, and may provide interior decorating services.
4422 - Home furnishings storesUS
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing home furnishings, such as floor coverings, window treatments, kitchen and tableware, bedding and linens, lamps and shades, bathroom accessories, and print and picture frames.
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