Classification of Refined Petroleum Products
1 - Motor gasoline
'Motor gasoline' includes all gasoline type fuels for internal combustion engines other than aircraft. (Harmonized System code 2710.00.13, .14 and .15)
2 - Diesel fuel oil
'Diesel fuel oil' includes all grades of distillate fuel sold for diesel engine use including low sulphur content (with sulphur content lower than 0.05%). (Harmonized System code 2710.00.51)
3 - Light fuel oil
'Light fuel oil' includes all distillate type fuels for power burners, fuel oil number 2 (heating oil number 2), fuel oil number 3 (heating oil number 3), furnace fuel oil, gas oils and light industrial fuel. (Harmonized System code 2710.00.52). It includes stove oil, kerosene and tractor fuel.
4 - Aviation fuel
'Aviation fuel' includes aviation gasoline and aviation turbo fuels.
5 - Heavy fuel oil
'Heavy fuel oil' includes all grades of residual type fuels including low sulphur (with sulphur content lower than 1%) for both steam and diesel engines. Bunker B and Bunker C, fuel oils numbers 4, 5 and 6, and residual fuel oil. (Harmonized System code 2710.00.6)
6 - Asphalt
'Asphalt' is produced by petroleum processing and includes asphalt flux, asphalt primers, asphaltic saturants, bitumals, cutback asphalts, liquid or solid asphalts, oxidized asphalt, paving compound and fluxes or primers. (Harmonized System code 2715.00)
7 - Liquefied petroleum gases
'Liquefied petroleum gases' includes propane and propane mixes and butane and butane mixes.
8 - All other (refined petroleum) products
'All other (refined petroleum) products' includes petro-chemical feedstocks, naphtha specialties, petroleum coke, lubricating oils and greases, still gas and other products.
9 - Refinery losses
'Refinery losses' refers to the volume difference between production of refined petroleum products and crude oil and other materials charged. Most products produced by modern refineries have a specific gravity (density) that is lighter than crude oil. The resulting volumetric gain is shown as deduction from refinery production to ensure balancing of outputs and inputs.
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