Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2011
3513020 - Prince Edward County
Place name(s)
- Albury
- Allisonville
- Ameliasburg
- Ameliasburgh
- Athol
- Bethel
- Bethesda
- Big Island
- Black Creek
- Bloomfield
- Bongard
- Bongard Corners
- Bowermans
- Burr
- Carrying Place
- Centre
- Cherry Valley
- Cole Wharf
- Colton's Meadow
- Consecon
- Cove Beach
- Cressy
- Crofton
- Demorestville
- Elmbrook
- Fawcettville
- Fenwood Gardens
- Gardenville
- Gilbert Mills
- Glenora
- Greenpoint
- Hallowell
- Hillcrest
- Hillier
- Hubbs
- Huff's Corners
- Lake on the Mountain
- Melville
- Milford
- Morrison Point
- Mount Carmel
- Mountain View
- Niles Corners
- North Marysburgh
- North Port
- Picton
- Port Milford
- Prince Edward
- Prince Edward County
- Prinyer Cove Estates
- Rednersville
- Roblin Mills
- Rosehall
- Rossmore
- Salmon Point
- Sand Banks
- Sheba's Island
- Solmesville
- Sophiasburgh
- South Bay
- South Marysburgh
- The Outlet
- Victoria
- Warings Corner
- Waupoos
- Waupoos East
- Waupoos Island
- Wellington
- West Lake
- Woodrous
- Woodville
- Yerexville
- Date modified: