North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 - Labour Force Survey
8.2 - Service-Producing Industries
This special aggregation comprises establishments coded to 'Wholesale Trade' (NAICS 41), 'Retail Trade' (NAICS 44-45), 'Transportation and storage' (NAICS 48-49), 'Information and Cultural Industries' (NAICS 51), 'Finance and Insurance' (NAICS 52), 'Real Estate and Rental and Leasing' (NAICS 53), 'Professional, Scientific and Technical Services' (NAICS 54), 'Management of Companies and Enterprises' (NAICS 55), 'Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services' (NAICS 56), 'Educational Services' (NAICS 61), 'Health Care and Social Assistance' (NAICS 62), 'Arts, Entertainment and Recreation' (NAICS 71), 'Accommodation and Food Services' (NAICS 72), 'Other Services (except Public Administration)' (NAICS 81) and to 'Public Administration (NAICS 91)
61 - Educational Services
This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing instruction and training in a wide variety of subjects. This instruction and training is provided by specialized establishments, such as schools, colleges, universities and training centres. These establishments may be privately owned and operated, either for profit or not, or they may be publicly owned and operated. They may also offer food and accommodation services to their students.
Educational services are usually delivered by teachers who explain, tell, demonstrate, supervise and direct self-learning. Instruction is imparted in diverse settings, such as educational institutions, the workplace or the home (through correspondence, television or other means). The lessons can be adapted to the particular needs of the students, for example sign language can replace verbal language for teaching students with hearing impairments. All industries in the sector share this commonality of process, namely, labour inputs of teachers with the requisite subject matter expertise and teaching ability.
611 - Educational Services
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing instruction and training in a wide variety of subjects. This instruction and training is provided by specialized establishments, such as schools, colleges, universities and training centres.
The subsector is structured according to the level and type of educational services provided. Elementary and secondary schools, community colleges, Collèges d'enseignement général et professionnel (C.E.G.E.P.s) and universities correspond to a recognized series of formal levels of education designated by diplomas, associate degrees (and equivalent certificates) and degrees. The remaining industry groups are based on the type of instruction or training offered and the levels are not always as formally defined. The establishments are often highly specialized, many offering instruction in a very limited subject matter, for example ski lessons or one specific type of software.
Within the subsector, the level and types of training that are required of the instructors and teachers vary depending on the industry.
6116 - Other Schools and Instruction
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing instruction in the fine arts; athletics and sports; languages; and other instruction (except academic, business, computer, management, and technical and trade instruction); and providing services, such as tutoring and exam preparation.
61169 - All Other Schools and Instruction
This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing instruction services.
611690 - All Other Schools and InstructionCAN
This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing instruction services.
Example Activities:
- Automobile driving instruction
- Bible schools (except degree-granting)
- Charm schools
- Driver education, automobile
- Driving schools, automobile
- Personal development courses
- Public speaking schools
- Speed reading courses
- Survival schools
- Tutors, private
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