5225 - Audio and video recording technicians
All examples - 5225 - Audio and video recording technicians
- assistant sound editor
- audio engineer - recording studio
- audio operator
- audio operator assistant
- audio recording studio operator
- audio technician
- audiovisual (AV) technician
- AV (audiovisual) technician
- colour timer - video
- digital effects specialist
- dubbing machine operator
- electronic news gathering (ENG) editor
- electronic video graphics operator
- ENG (electronic news gathering) editor
- film technician
- film technician - motion picture
- master record cutter
- multimedia sound technician
- multimedia sound-effects supervisor
- music editor - recording studio
- music mixer
- music or sound mixer
- operator, P.A. (public address) systems
- P.A. (public address) operator
- P.A. (public address) system operator
- playback operator
- postproduction technician
- production sound recordist
- public address (P.A.) operator
- public address (P.A.) system operator
- radio recorder
- radio technician
- recording engineer
- recording studio technician
- re-recording mixer
- sound cutter
- sound editor
- sound effects editor
- sound effects specialist
- sound engineer
- sound engineer (except professional engineers)
- sound engineer assistant
- sound keyer
- sound librarian - audio-recording
- sound mix engineer
- sound mixer
- sound operator
- sound recorder
- sound recording engineer
- sound recording supervisor
- sound recordist
- sound technician
- sound-recording and video-recording reproduction equipment operator
- sound-recording equipment operator
- stereo tape editor
- video and sound recorder
- video recorder
- video recording technician
- video sound mixer
- video technician
- video-editing equipment operator
- video-recording equipment operator
- videotape editor
- videotape postproduction editor
- videotape recording (VTR) editor
- videotape recording (VTR) operator
- videotape technician
- VTR (videotape recording) editor
- VTR (videotape recording) operator