Variant of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0 for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
63200 - Cooks
All examples - 63200 - Cooks
- apprentice cook
- assistant cook
- banquet cook
- breakfast cook
- broiler cook
- cafeteria cook
- camp cook
- caterer cook
- construction camp cook
- cook
- cook - Canadian Armed Forces
- diet kitchen cook
- dietary cook
- domestic cook
- ethnic food cook
- first cook
- fishing and merchant vessel cook
- grill cook
- hospital cook
- institutional cook
- journeyman/woman cook
- kosher foods cook
- licensed cook
- line cook
- logging camp cook
- mess cook
- pastry cook
- pizza cook
- railway cook
- restaurant cook
- second cook
- ship's cook
- short order cook
- small establishment cook
- special diet cook
- special order cook - hospital
- therapeutic diet cook
- third cook
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