72204 - Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
All examples - 72204 - Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
- access technician - telecommunication
- apprentice lineman/woman - telecommunications
- cable installer - telecommunications
- cable repair technician - telecommunications
- cable repairer - telecommunications
- cable television installation technician
- cable television installer
- cable television maintenance technician
- cable tester - telecommunications
- communication line technician
- communication technician - construction
- communications electrician - construction craft
- community antenna television (CATV) installation technician
- community antenna television (CATV) maintenance technician
- construction technician - cable television
- construction technician - telecommunications
- fibre optic cable splicer
- journeyman/woman lineman/woman - telecommunications
- line inspector - telecommunications
- line installer - telecommunications
- line repairer - telecommunications
- repair lineman/woman - telecommunications
- rigger - telecommunications
- section lineman/woman - telecommunications
- service tracer - telecommunications
- signal tracer - telecommunications
- splicer - telecommunications
- splicer technician - telecommunications
- splicer technician - telephone
- structured cabling technician
- telecommunication cable installer
- telecommunication cable repairer
- telecommunication line construction technician
- telecommunication line technician
- telecommunications cable splicer
- telecommunications line installer
- telecommunications lineman/woman
- telecontrol technologist
- telephone cable splicer
- telephone line and cableman/woman
- telephone line technician
- toll line inspector - telecommunications
- toll line repairman/woman - telecommunications
- toll lineman/woman - telecommunications
- tracer - telecommunications
- underground cable splicer - telecommunications