10030 - Telecommunication carriers managers
All examples - 10030 - Telecommunication carriers managers
- communications manager - telecommunications
- coordinator of technical services - telecommunications
- dial plant manager - telecommunications
- dial plant superintendent - telecommunications
- district manager - telecommunications
- earth station manager - telecommunications
- equipment chief - telecommunications
- installation superintendent - telecommunications
- microwave facilities manager - telecommunications
- network conduct centre assistant manager
- network installation manager - telecommunications
- network operations manager - telecommunications
- network services manager - telecommunications
- network traffic manager - telecommunications
- networks manager - telecommunications
- operations and transmission services manager - telecommunications
- operations manager - telecommunications
- production manager - telecommunications
- regional manager - telecommunications system
- space programs manager - telecommunications
- surveillance manager - telecommunications
- switching systems director - telecommunications
- technical services coordinator - telecommunications
- technical services manager
- telecommunications department manager
- telecommunications facilities manager
- telecommunications installation manager
- telecommunications manager
- telecommunications services manager
- telephone company district manager
- traffic chief - telecommunications
- traffic manager - cable systems
- traffic manager - telephone system
- transmission traffic manager - telecommunications