325190 - Other basic organic chemical manufacturingMEX
All examples - 325190 - Other basic organic chemical manufacturingMEX
- accelerators (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals), manufacturing
- acetaldehyde, manufacturing
- acetate of lime, natural, made by distillation of wood
- acetic acid, manufacturing
- acetic anhydride, manufacturing
- acetin, manufacturing
- acetone, natural, manufacturing
- acetone, synthetic, manufacturing
- acrolein, manufacturing
- acrylonitrile, manufacturing
- acyclic hydrocarbon, manufacturing
- adipic acid esters or amines, manufacturing
- adipic acid, manufacturing
- adiponitrile, manufacturing
- alcohol, methyl (methanol), manufacturing
- aldehydes, manufacturing
- alginates (e.g., calcium, potassium, sodium), manufacturing
- alginic acid, manufacturing
- allyl alcohol, manufacturing
- aminoanthraquinone, manufacturing
- aminoazobenzene, manufacturing
- aminoazotoluene, manufacturing
- aminophenol, manufacturing
- amyl acetate, manufacturing
- aniline, manufacturing
- annato extract, manufacturing
- anthracene, manufacturing
- azobenzene, manufacturing
- benzaldehyde, manufacturing
- benzoic acid, manufacturing
- bio-oil or bio-diesel, manufacture
- bleaching agents, organic, manufacturing
- brazilwood extract, manufacturing
- brewers' pitch, made by distillation of wood
- briquettes, charcoal, manufacturing
- bromochloromethane, manufacturing
- butadiene, made from alcohol
- butyl acetate, manufacturing
- butyl alcohol, manufacturing
- calcium citrate, manufacturing
- calcium oxalate, manufacturing
- camphor, natural, manufacturing
- camphor, synthetic, manufacturing
- caprolactam, manufacturing
- carbinol (methanol and derivatives), manufacturing
- carbolic acid (phenol), manufacturing
- carbon tetrachloride, manufacturing
- cellulose acetate, non-plasticized, manufacturing
- cetyl alcohol, manufacturing
- charcoal (except activated), manufacturing
- charcoal briquettes, wood, manufacturing
- chestnut extract, manufacturing
- chloral, manufacturing
- chloroacetic acid, manufacturing
- chlorobenzene, manufacturing
- chloroform, manufacturing
- chloronaphthalene, manufacturing
- chlorophenol, manufacturing
- chloropicrin, manufacturing
- chlorotoluene, manufacturing
- citral, manufacturing
- citric acid, manufacturing
- citronellal, manufacturing
- coal tar distillates, manufacturing
- coumarin, manufacturing
- cream of tartar, manufacturing
- creosote, made by distillation of coal tar
- creosote, made by distillation of wood tar
- cresols, made by distillation of coal tar
- cresylic acids, made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- cyclic crudes, made by distillation of coal tar
- cyclohexane, manufacturing
- cyclopentane, made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- cyclopropane, made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- cycloterpenes, manufacturing
- cymene, manufacturing
- decahydronaphthalene, manufacturing
- denatured alcohol, manufacturing
- dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), manufacturing
- diethylcyclohexane, manufacturing
- diethylene glycol, manufacturing
- dimethyl divinyl acetylene (di-isopropenyl acetylene), manufacturing
- dimethylhydrazine, manufacturing
- diphenylamine, manufacturing
- distilling wood or gum into products such as tall oil and wood distillates
- dragon's blood, manufacturing
- dyes, natural, manufacturing
- enzyme proteins (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals) (except pharmaceutical use), manufacturing
- essential oils, synthetic, manufacturing
- ethanol (ethyl alcohol), non-potable, made by the wet-mill process
- ethanol (ethyl alcohol), non-potable, manufacturing
- ethyl acetate, natural, manufacturing
- ethyl acetate, synthetic, manufacturing
- ethyl alcohol (ethanol), non-potable, manufacturing
- ethyl butyrate, manufacturing
- ethyl cellulose, non-plasticized, manufacturing
- ethyl chloride, manufacturing
- ethyl ether, manufacturing
- ethyl formate, manufacturing
- ethyl nitrite, manufacturing
- ethyl perhydrophenanthrene, manufacturing
- ethylene dichloride (dichloroethane), manufacturing
- ethylene glycol ether, manufacturing
- ethylene glycol, manufacturing
- ethylene oxide, manufacturing
- extracts, natural dyeing and tanning, manufacturing
- fatty acid esters and amines, manufacturing
- fatty acids (e.g., margaric, oleic (red oil), stearic), manufacturing
- fatty alcohols, manufacturing
- flavouring materials (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals such as coumarin), manufacturing
- formaldehyde, manufacturing
- formalin, manufacturing
- formic acid, manufacturing
- fustic wood extract, manufacturing
- gambier extract, manufacturing
- geraniol, manufacturing
- glycerin (i.e., glycerol), synthetic, manufacturing
- grain alcohol, non-potable, manufacturing
- gum or wood chemicals, manufacturing
- halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon derivatives, manufacturing
- halogenated hydrocarbon (except aromatics) derivatives, manufacturing
- hardwood distillates, manufacturing
- hemlock extract, manufacturing
- hexadecanol, manufacturing
- hexamethylenediamine, manufacturing
- hexamethylenetetramine, manufacturing
- hexanol, manufacturing
- hexylene glycol, manufacturing
- hydroquinone, manufacturing
- ionone, manufacturing
- isocyanates, manufacturing
- isopropyl alcohol, manufacturing
- lactic acid, manufacturing
- lauric acid esters and amines, manufacturing
- linoleic acid esters and amines, manufacturing
- logwood extract, manufacturing
- maleic anhydride, manufacturing
- malonic dinitrile (malononitrile), manufacturing
- mangrove extract, manufacturing
- metallic soap, manufacturing
- methanol (methyl alcohol), natural, manufacturing
- methyl acetone, manufacturing
- methyl alcohol (methanol), synthetic, manufacturing
- methyl chloride, manufacturing
- methyl perhydrofluorine, manufacturing
- methyl salicylate, manufacturing
- methylamine, manufacturing
- methylene chloride, manufacturing
- monohydric alcohol, manufacturing
- monomethylparaminophenol sulfate, manufacturing
- monosodium glutamate, manufacturing
- myrobalans extract, manufacturing
- naphtha, made by distillation of coal tar
- naphthalene sulfonic acid, manufacturing
- naphthalene, made by distillation of coal tar
- naphthenic acid soaps, manufacturing
- naphthenic acids, made from refined petroleum or natural gas
- naphthol, alpha and beta, manufacturing
- naphtholsulfonic acids, manufacturing
- nitrated hydrocarbon derivatives, manufacturing
- nitroaniline, manufacturing
- nitrobenzene, manufacturing
- nitrophenol, manufacturing
- nitrosated hydrocarbon derivatives, manufacturing
- nitrous ether, manufacturing
- oak extract, manufacturing
- oils, made by distillation of coal tar
- oils, wood, made by distillation of wood
- oleic acid esters, manufacturing
- organo-inorganic compounds, manufacturing
- orthodichlorobenzene, manufacturing
- oxalates (e.g., ammonium oxalate, ethyl oxalate, sodium oxalate), manufacturing
- oxalic acid, manufacturing
- palmitic acid esters and amines, manufacturing
- pentachlorophenol, manufacturing
- pentaerythritol, manufacturing
- perchloroethylene, manufacturing
- perfume materials (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals such as terpineol), manufacturing
- peroxides, organic, manufacturing
- phenol, manufacturing
- phosgene, manufacturing
- phosphoric acid esters, manufacturing
- phthalic acid, manufacturing
- phthalic anhydride, manufacturing
- pine oil, manufacturing
- pinene, manufacturing
- pitch, made by distillation of coal tar
- pitch, wood, manufacturing
- plasticizers (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals), manufacturing
- polyhydric alcohol esters and amines, manufacturing
- polyhydric alcohols, manufacturing
- potassium bitartrate, manufacturing
- propyl alcohol, manufacturing
- propylcarbinol, manufacturing
- propylene glycol, manufacturing
- pyroligneous acids, manufacturing
- quebracho extract, manufacturing
- quercitron extract, manufacturing
- rennet, manufacturing
- resorcinol, manufacturing
- rosin, made by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
- saccharin, manufacturing
- salicylic acid (except medicinal), manufacturing
- sebacic acid esters, manufacturing
- sebacic acid, manufacturing
- silicone (except resins), manufacturing
- sodium acetate, manufacturing
- sodium alginate, manufacturing
- sodium benzoate, manufacturing
- sodium glutamate, manufacturing
- sodium pentachlorophenate, manufacturing
- sodium sulphoxalate formaldehyde, manufacturing
- softwood distillates, manufacturing
- sorbitol, manufacturing
- stearic acid esters, manufacturing
- stearic acid salts, manufacturing
- sulphonated derivatives, manufacturing
- sumac extract, manufacturing
- synthetic sweeteners (i.e., sweetening agents), manufacturing
- tall oil (except skimmings), manufacturing
- tannic acid (i.e., tannins), manufacturing
- tanning agents, synthetic organic, manufacturing
- tanning extracts and materials, natural, manufacturing
- tar and tar oils, made by distillation of wood
- tar, made by distillation of coal tar
- tartaric acid, manufacturing
- tear gas, manufacturing
- terpineol, manufacturing
- tert-butylated bis (p-phenoxyphenyl) ether fluid, manufacturing
- tetrachloroethylene, manufacturing
- tetraethyl lead, manufacturing
- thioglycolic acid, manufacturing
- toluidines, manufacturing
- trichloroethylene, manufacturing
- trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, manufacturing
- tridecyl alcohol, manufacturing
- triphenyl and tricresyl phosphate, manufacturing
- turpentine, made by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
- valonia extract, manufacturing
- vanillin, synthetic, manufacturing
- vinyl acetate (except resins), manufacturing
- vinyl chloride (chloroethylene), manufacturing
- water pigments for finishing leather, manufacturing
- wattle extract, manufacturing
- witch hazel extract, manufacturing
- wood alcohol, natural, manufacturing
- wood alcohol, synthetic, manufacturing
- wood distillates, manufacturing
- wood oils, manufacturing