9613 - Labourers in chemical products processing and utilities
All examples - 9613 - Labourers in chemical products processing and utilities
- acetylene cylinder preparer
- batch dryer tender helper
- bath mix solvent recoverer
- boiler operator helper
- boiler water tester
- boilerhouse helper
- bullet lubricant compounder
- chemical plant labourer
- coating machine feeder - chemical processing
- compressed gas plant worker
- crutcher operator helper
- distillation equipment helper
- distillation equipment helper - chemical processing
- distiller helper - chemical processing
- dryer tender helper - chemical processing
- electrode cleaner
- electrolytic cell cleaner
- equipment cleaner - chemical processing
- film spooler
- filter cleaner - chemical processing
- filtration helper - chemical processing
- flue cleaner - utilities
- gas fitter helper - utilities
- gas utility labourer
- gasket coater
- gasoline catalyst operator helper
- helper - chemical processing
- integrator operator
- labourer - chemical processing
- labourer - gas utility
- landfill scale operator
- landfill weigh scale attendant
- loader - chemical processing
- mill charger - chemical processing
- oven loader - chemical processing
- paint plant labourer
- paint pourer
- petroleum process operator helper
- petroleum refinery labourer
- pigment presser
- powerhouse helper
- rack loader
- refrigeration plant operator helper
- retort unloader
- sample preparer - chemical processing
- sampler - chemical processing
- saturating machine feeder - chemical processing
- shutdown labourer - chemical processing
- slug-press feeder
- stationary engineer helper
- still cleaner - chemical processing
- stove-bottom worker
- stove-carriage worker
- substation operator helper
- sulphuric acid plant operator helper
- temperature regulator
- transformer stockroom attendant
- treater helper - chemical processing
- varnish maker helper
- water intake tender
- water intake tender - utilities
- waterworks labourer
- wax moulder