5226 - Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
All examples - 5226 - Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
- animal wrangler - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
- broadcasting co-ordinator
- chief lighting technician
- chief stage electrician
- costume maker
- costume supervisor
- costumer
- costumer - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
- costumes co-ordinator
- costumier
- exterior set manager
- exterior shooting director
- extra wrangler - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
- film location manager
- first grip
- floor director - broadcasting
- floor manager - broadcasting
- gaffer
- head grip
- head of wardrobe
- key dresser
- key grip
- light board operator
- lighting effects chief technician
- lighting technician
- location manager - motion pictures and broadcasting
- machinist-electrician
- make-up artist - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
- make-up artist and hairdresser - performing arts
- make-up artist and wig maker
- motion picture facilities supervisor
- music program planner
- optical effects co-ordinator
- presentation co-ordinator - broadcasting
- production co-ordinator - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
- production co-ordinator - radiobroadcasting
- production co-ordinator - video games
- production co-ordinator - visual effects
- production technician - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
- program co-ordinator - broadcasting
- programming manager
- properties custodian - stage productions or motion pictures
- property master - broadcasting
- property master - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
- radio music program planner
- radio program planner
- remote broadcasting co-ordinator
- rigging gaffer
- script supervisor
- set electrician
- settings shop foreman/woman
- special effects technician
- sports program co-ordinator - broadcasting
- stage assistant director
- stage electrician
- stage manager
- stage technician
- staging supervisor
- studio administrator
- studio electrician
- studio manager
- studio manager - broadcasting
- stunt co-ordinator
- telecasting technician
- theatre technician
- unit manager - motion pictures and broadcasting
- wardrobe co-ordinator
- wardrobe master/mistress
- wardrobe supervisor
- wig hairdresser - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts