7235 - Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters
All examples - 7235 - Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters
- apprentice fabricator-fitter, structural metal and platework
- apprentice fitter - shipbuilding
- apprentice metal fabricator
- apprentice metal shipwright
- apprentice shipfitter
- apprentice ship's plater
- apprentice steel fabricator
- apprentice structural metal and platework fabricator
- apprentice structural steel and platework fitter
- apprentice structural steel fabricator
- bridge and girder plater
- fabricator - structural metal
- fabricator and fitter, platework
- fabricator, metal
- fabricator, metal - structural metal and platework
- fabricator, platework
- fabricator, steel
- fabricator, steel - structural metal and platework
- fabricator, structural metal
- fabricator, structural steel
- fitter - metal fabrication
- fitter - shipbuilding
- fitter - structural metal fabrication
- fitter apprentice, structural steel and platework
- fitter lead hand - structural metal and platework
- fitter, platework
- fitter, steel - metal platework
- fitter, steel - structural metal
- fitter, structural metal
- fitter, structural metal and platework
- fitter, structural steel
- fitter, structural steel and platework
- fitter, tubes - structural metalwork and platework
- fitter-assembler, structural metal
- fitter-welder, structural metal and platework
- layer out developer, structural metal and platework
- layer out, structural metal and platework
- layout marker, structural metal
- lead hand, metal preparation - structural metal and platework
- marine steel fitter
- metal fabricator
- metal fabricator - structural metal and platework
- metal fabricator (fitter)
- metal preparation lead hand - structural metal and platework
- metal shipwright
- plate shaper, structural steel
- plater
- plater - shipbuilding
- plater, bridges and girders
- plater, structural metal and platework
- plater-welder
- platework fabricator
- platework fabricator and fitter
- platework fitter
- shaper, structural steel plates
- shipbuilding fitter
- shipfitter
- shipfitter apprentice
- ship's plater
- shipwright, metal
- steel fabricator
- steel fabricator - structural metal and platework
- steel fitter - metal platework
- steel fitter - structural metal
- steel plate shaper - ships
- structural metal and platework fabricator
- structural metal and platework fabricator apprentice
- structural metal and platework fitter
- structural metal and platework fitter-welder
- structural metal and platework layout developer
- structural metal and platework layout marker
- structural metal and platework plater
- structural metal fabricator
- structural metal fitter
- structural metal fitter-assembler
- structural metal layout marker
- structural metal worker
- structural steel and platework fitter
- structural steel fabricator
- structural steel fitter
- structural steel plate shaper
- structural steelwork and platework fitter
- tube fitter - structural metal and platework
- worker-fitter, structural steel plates