5121 - Authors and writers
All examples - 5121 - Authors and writers
- ad writer
- advertising copywriter
- advertising writer
- author
- biographer
- copywriter
- crossword puzzle maker
- designer and script writer
- dialogue writer
- dubbing dialogue writer
- essayist
- feature writer
- fiction writer
- game, CD-ROM or Web critic
- ghost writer
- handbook writer
- help file developer
- humorist-author
- interactive media writer
- lexicographer
- literary writer
- manual writer
- medical writer
- multimedia author
- multimedia script writer
- multimedia writer
- new media writer
- novelist
- on-line reference developer
- playwright
- poet
- programmed-instruction writer
- publicity writer
- radio writer
- rewriter
- scientific writer
- screen writer
- script and dialogue writer
- script writer
- self-instruction manual writer
- serial story writer
- serial writer
- short story writer
- specifications writer
- specifications writer (except construction)
- speech writer
- sports writer - novels and books
- standards writer
- storyboarder
- support materials writer
- technical writer
- technical writer - aeronautics
- technical writer - chemical processing
- technical writer - electronics equipment
- technical writer - pharmaceutical industry
- teleplay writer, screenwriter
- television writer
- writer
- writer, advertising
- writer, fiction
- writer, handbooks
- writer, interactive media
- writer, multimedia
- writer, new media
- writer, self-instruction manuals
- writer, short stories
- writer, speeches