4311 - Police officers (except commissioned)
All examples - 4311 - Police officers (except commissioned)
- bodyguard - police
- cadet, police
- Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) investigator
- canine-team member - police
- community police officercommunity policeman, community policewoman
- community relations officer - police
- community services officer - police
- constablepoliceman, policewoman
- counterfeit and forgery section detective
- crime prevention constable
- crime scene technician - police
- CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) investigator
- desk officer - police
- detective - police
- detective, counterfeit and forgery section
- detective, narcotics squad
- detective, vice squad
- divisional diving supervisor - police
- dog master - police
- drug investigator - police
- duty officer, headquarters - police
- duty officer, station - police
- education relations officer - policing
- ethnic relations officer - police
- evidence technician - police
- harbour police officerharbour policeman, harbour policewoman
- harbour police sergeant
- harbour policeman/woman
- headquarters duty officer - police
- highway patrol officerhighway patrolman, highway patrolwoman
- highway patrolman/woman
- identification officer - police
- investigator - police
- investigator, railway - police
- morality officer - police
- motorcycle patrolman/woman - policemotorcycle patrolman - police, motorcycle patrolwoman - police
- mounted police constablemounted policeman, mounted policewoman
- mounted policeman/woman
- narcotics squad detective
- officer, community relations - police
- officer, recruitment and training - police
- patrol officer - police
- patrol officer, traffic
- peace officer
- plain-clothes officer
- police cadet
- police constable
- police constable, railwayrailway policeman, railway policewoman
- police corporal
- police diver
- police diver - salvage
- police investigator
- police officer
- police sergeant
- policeman/woman
- railway guard - police
- railway investigator - police
- railway police constable
- railway police officer
- railway special agent - police
- RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer
- RCMP officer
- recruitment and training officer - police
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer
- safety patrol officer - police
- school liaison officer - police
- school safety officer - police
- scuba diver - police
- scuba-diving specialist - police
- secret service officer
- security constable - police
- security officer - police
- staff sergeant - police
- station duty officer - police
- station officer - police
- traffic patrol officer
- vice squad detective