236220 - Commercial and institutional building constructionUS
All examples - 236220 - Commercial and institutional building constructionUS
- additions, alterations and renovations of commercial warehouses, by operative builders
- additions, alterations and renovations of hotels and motels, by operative builders
- additions, alterations and renovations of industrial warehouses, by operative builders
- additions, alterations and renovations, commercial warehouses
- additions, alterations and renovations, commercial warehouses, by general contractors
- additions, alterations and renovations, hotels and motels
- additions, alterations and renovations, hotels and motels, by general contractors
- additions, alterations and renovations, industrial warehouses
- additions, alterations and renovations, industrial warehouses, by general contractors
- animal shelter and clinic construction
- barracks, bunkhouses, dormitories construction
- bush depots and camps, construction
- cold storage plant construction, general contractors
- commercial and institutional building construction
- commercial building construction by general contractors (e.g., cafeterias, cinemas, garage and service stations)
- commercial building construction by general contractors (e.g., restaurants, shopping centres and malls, theatres, casinos)
- commercial building construction, by operative builders
- commercial buildings construction (e.g., barber shop, beauty salon)
- construction management, commercial and institutional buildings
- farm building construction (except residential), general contractors
- fire and flood restoration of commercial and institutional buildings
- grain and storage elevator, construction
- handyman construction services, commercial and institutional buildings
- health and athletic club construction
- health institutions (e.g., medical clinics, hospitals, first-aid station, sanatoria), construction
- hotels and motels construction
- institutional building construction, by operative builders
- institutional buildings construction (e.g., educational buildings, hospitals, libraries)
- monuments (i.e., buildings), construction
- office buildings and complexes, construction
- parking garages, construction
- penal complexes (e.g., penitentiaries, jails, prisons), construction
- public buildings construction (e.g., telephone exchange or stations, post office, fire station, dome, civic centre, bank, auditorium), general contractors
- public warehouse construction
- radio and television broadcast studio or station construction
- religious buildings construction (e.g., churches, synagogues, temples, mausoleums)
- renovating and remodelling buildings, commercial and institutional, construction
- sports facilities, recreational (e.g., arenas, indoor gymnasium and tennis courts), construction
- stadium construction, general contractors
- storehouses, construction
- swimming pool construction (indoor)
- transportation facilities building construction (e.g., bus shelter, terminals, hangars, stations)
- warehouse (e.g., commercial, industrial, manufacturing, public or private) construction