531120 - Lessors of non-residential buildings (except mini-warehouses)US
All examples - 531120 - Lessors of non-residential buildings (except mini-warehouses)US
- arenas, operators of
- auditorium rental or leasing
- banquet halls or rooms, without own catering staff, rental
- commercial property rental or leasing
- concert hall operation
- convention facilities, rental only
- dance hall rental or leasing
- exhibition hall, operating
- flea market space renting
- garages, do-it-yourself
- indoor soccer dome facility rental
- landlords of commercial and industrial buildings
- leasing non-residential buildings
- leasing of commercial space
- lessors of piers, docks and associated buildings and facilities
- meeting hall operating
- motor vehicle repair space, rental
- non-residential buildings, operators
- office and desk space, rental service
- office and other commercial building rental and leasing
- operation of non-residential properties on own account
- operators of commercial and industrial buildings
- real estate investment trusts (REITs), operating non-residential buildings (except mini-warehouses)
- real estate operating, non-residential buildings
- reception hall rental or leasing
- rental of theatres, auditoriums
- rental operation of commercial buildings
- retail establishments, property operation only
- shopping centre operating
- shopping centres, property operation only
- stadium operating
- subcontracting operation of non-residential properties to a third party
- subleasing non-residential building
- subleasing of non-residential buildings (except mini-warehouses) to others
- theatre buildings (ownership and operation)
- theatre, real estate operation