North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 3.0
All examples - 112510 - AquacultureCAN
- algae and seaweed farming
- algae and seaweed farming, freshwater
- alligator production, farm raising
- aquaculture, animal, salt water
- aquaponics
- catfish production in freshwater, farm raising
- finfish hatcheries
- fingerlings, raising in freshwater or salt water
- fish breeding and propagating service, freshwater
- fish breeding and propagating service, salt water
- fish hatchery service (freshwater)
- fish hatchery service (salt water)
- frog, farm raising
- goldfish production in freshwater, farm raising
- management services for freshwater aquaculture industry
- management services for salt water aquaculture industry
- minnow and trout farms, freshwater
- ornamental (non-food) aquaculture plants, greenhouse grown
- oyster breeding and propagation service
- raising both aquatic animals and plants in integrated growing operations, aquaponics both in natural waters and in artificial aquatic impoundments
- saltwater shellfish farming, including the production of cultured pearl
- shellfish farming
- tropical aquarium fish farms, freshwater
- turtle and other freshwater animal aquaculture
- turtle and other salt water animal aquaculture
- using some form of intervention in the aquaculture rearing or growing process to enhance production
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