Variant of NAICS 2017 Version 3.0 - Durable / non-durable manufacturing industries

237130 - Power and communication line and related structures constructionUS

All examples - 237130 - Power and communication line and related structures constructionUS

  • alternative energy (e.g., geothermal, ocean wave, solar and wind) structure construction
  • antennas (towers), construction
  • cable installation (hydro, telephone, telegraph, underground and marine)
  • cable television line construction, contractors
  • cellular phone towers, construction
  • co-generation plant construction
  • communication towers, construction
  • construction management, power and communication lines and related structures
  • construction of structures (also buildings) that are integral parts of power and communication networks
  • construction, transformer stations
  • contractors, telephone and telegraph lines
  • electric power transmission lines and towers, construction
  • fibre-optic cable transmission lines, construction
  • generating plants or stations (except hydro), construction
  • microwave relay towers, construction
  • nuclear power plants, construction
  • nuclear reactor containment structure construction, general contractors
  • pole line construction, general contractors
  • power and communication line and related structures construction
  • power plants (except hydroelectric), construction
  • radio and television transmitting tower construction, general contractors
  • satellite receiving stations, construction
  • solar central receiving structure, construction
  • specialized trade activities related to power and communication line and related structures construction
  • substation and switching station construction
  • telecommunication transmission lines, construction
  • telegraph line construction, general contractors
  • telephone line construction, general contractors
  • telephone line stringing
  • thermal power plants, construction
  • towers, power distribution and communication, construction
  • transformer stations and substations, electric power, construction
  • underground cable (e.g., cable television, electricity, and telephone) laying
  • utility line (e.g., communication and electric power), construction
  • wind energy equipment, construction
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